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online: 27-11-2014)
Evaluation of
antibacterial effect of some Sinai medicinal plant extracts on
bacteria isolated from bovine mastitis - Gamil S. G.
Zeedan, Abeer M. Abdalhamed, Eman Abdeen, Mahmoud E. Ottai and
Sobhy Abdel-Shafy
Veterinary World, 7(11): 991-998

S. G. Zeedan:
Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary
Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki,
M. Abdalhamed:
Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary
Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki,
Abdeen: Department
of Bacteriology, Immunology and Mycology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Sadat City, Monifia, Egypt;
E. Ottai:
Department of Genetics and Cytology, Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology Division, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza,
Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary
Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt;
21-07-2014, Revised: 15-10-2014, Accepted: 22-10-2014, Published
online: 27-11-2014
Corresponding author: Gamil S. G.
Zeedan, e-mail:
Bovine mastitis is the most economically important disease
affecting dairy cattle worldwide from an economic, diagnostic and
public-health point of view. The present study aimed to isolate
and identify of bacteria causes mastitis in dairy cows and to
evaluate the antibacterial activities of some selected medicinal
plants extracts comparing antibiotics used in the treatment of
mastitis in Egypt.
Materials and Methods: A total of 203 milk samples of dairy
cows were collected during the period from February to June 2013
at different Governorates in Egypt. The use clinical inspection
and California mastitis test examination were provided efficient
diagnostic tool for detection of clinical, subclinical mastitis
and apparently normal health cattle. The collected milk samples
were cultured on Nutrient, Blood agar, Mannitol salt, Edward’s and
MacConkey agar plates supporting the growth of various types of
bacteria for their biochemical studies and isolation. The
antimicrobial activity of plants extracts (Jasonia montana
and Artemisia herb alba)with different solvent (ethanol,
petroleum ether, chloroform and acetone)were studied in vitro
against isolated bacteria from mastitis by paper desk
diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration method (MIC).
Results: The prevalence of clinical, subclinical mastitis and
normal healthy animals were 34.50%, 24.7% and 40.8% respectively.
The major pathogens isolated from collected milk samples were
Escherichia coli (22.16%), Staphylococcus aureus
(20.19%), Streptococcus spp. (13.3%), Streptococcus
agalactiae (12.8%), Streptococcus dysgalactia (0.5%),
Pasteurella spp. (2.45%), Klebsiella spp. (1.47%)and
Pseudomonas spp. (0.45%). The highest antibacterial
activity of J. montana plant extracted with acetone solvent
against S. agalactiae, E. coli, S. aureus, Klebsiella
spp and coagulase-negative Staphylococci with zone of
inhibition values ± standard deviation (SD), ranging from
4.33±0.57 to 25.6±0.60 mm. The MIC values for the extracts ranged
from 0.01 to 1.56 mg/ml. when comparing antibacterial activity of
A. herb alba plant extracted with acetone solvent on the
same bacteria with zone of inhibition values ± SD, ranging from
00±00 to 5.6±0.60 mm. Both extracts from J. montana and
A. herb alba plant extracts with petroleum ether, methanol and
chloroform solvent were less antibacterial activities than acetone
solvent extract.
Conclusion: The present study spot highlight on isolation and
identification of mastitis pathogens that are fundamental aspects
of milk quality, udder health control programs and public health
and food safety issues associated with food borne pathogens. J.
montana and A. herb alba plants have antibacterial
effects more than antibiotics used in the treatment of mastitis.
Finally, the medicinal plant extracts can be used to discover
bioactive natural product in the form of antibacterial that may be
serve the development of new pharmaceutical products. But still
need further research necessary to identify active compounds and
research to mechanism and drug interaction.
Keywords: antimicrobial agent, Artemisia herb alba,
California mastitis test, Jasonia montana, minimum
inhibitory concentration.
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