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online: 13-11-2014)
Assessment of innate
immunity by phagocytic activity in non-descript and Sahiwal cattle
in Chhattisgarh - Govina Dewangan, S. D.
Hirpurkar, Devesh Kumar Giri and Deepak Kumar Kashyap
Veterinary World, 7(11): 943-947

Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India;
S. D.
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India;
Kumar Giri:
Department of Veterinary Pathology, Uttar Pradesh, Pandit Deen
Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evan Go
Anusandhan Sansthan, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Kumar Kashyap: Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Arawali
Veterinary College, Sikar, Rajasthan, India;
26-07-2014, Revised: 05-10-2014, Accepted: 10-10-2014, Published
online: 13-11-2014
Corresponding author:
Govina Dewangan, e-mail:
The objective of the research was to assess the innate
immunity status of non-descript (ND) cattle in comparison to
Sahiwal cattle in Chattisgarh by the determination of the
phagocytosis activity (PA) and opsonocytophagic index (OI).
Materials and Methods: In-vitro phagocytic activity of
neutrophil was studied in ND and Sahiwal (S) cattle after dividing
them in groups viz. ND-I, ND-II, S-I and S-II. Neutrophils
were separated from the blood and activated with Staphylococcus
aureus. PA and OI were observed under high power of a
microscope at ×1000 magnification.
Results: PA (percent) in groups ND-I, ND-II, S-I and S-II was
73.00±1.03, 82.25±1.51, 80.75±1.36 and 82.37±1.27, respectively
which vary significantly (p<0.01), with respect to age. The
observations regarding the OI (bacteria per neutrophil) in groups
ND-I, ND-II, S-I and S-II was 7.17±0.04, 7.76±0.09, 7.02±0.04 and
7.79±0.06, respectively. Age difference was evident, i.e., OI
increases as age increases.
Conclusion: Innate immunity plays a vital role in host defense
against diseases. Neutrophil kills the invading pathogen by
phagocytic action. PA and OI is an important tool for the
assessing innate immune status. After coincubation of neutrophil
with bacterial cells, PA was significantly lower (p<0.01) in ND-I,
calves group then other groups. Further, the result of OI clearly
indicates that OI has increased as age increases in both breeds.
The study will, therefore, generate first hand information on ND
cattle along with their relative statistical differences, if any,
when compared with Sahiwal.
Keywords: innate immunity, non-descript cattle,
opsonocytophagic index, phagocytosis activity.
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