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online: 12-10-2014)
Association study of genetic variants at
single nucleotide polymorphism rs109231409 of mannose-binding
lectins 1 gene with mastitis susceptibility in Vrindavani
crossbred cattle - V. N. Muhasin Asaf, Bharat Bhushan,
Manjit Panigrahi, Prashant Dewangan, Amod Kumar, Pushpendra Kumar
and G. K. Gaur
Veterinary World, 7(10): 807-810

V. N.
Muhasin Asaf:
Division of Animal Genetics, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Division of Animal Genetics, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Division of Animal Genetics, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Prashant Dewangan:
Division of Animal Genetics, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Division of Animal Genetics, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Pushpendra Kumar:
Division of Animal Genetics, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
G. K.
Gaur: Livestock Production Management Section, Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
21-06-2014, Revised: 05-09-2014, Accepted: 11-09-2014, Published
online: 12-10-2014
Corresponding author:
V. N. Muhasin Asaf, e-mail:
The present study was undertaken to identify whether single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs109231409 located on
mannose-binding lectins 1 (MBL1) gene was associated with
mastitis tolerance/susceptibility.
Materials and Methods: After grouping 100 Vrindavani crossbred
cattle as mastitis positive and negative animals, they were
genotyped using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction
fragment length polymorphisms method. Gene and genotype
frequencies of different patterns were estimated by standard
procedure (POPGENE version 1.32, (University of Alberta, Canada)
and statistical analysis was carried out by logistic regression
methods using STATA 12 software (StataCorp LP, USA).
Results: The 588 bp fragment of MBL1 gene was amplified
using PCR. PCR product was digested with ApaI restriction
enzyme showed two distinct genotypes viz., GG (311 bp and 272 bp
fragments) and GA (588 bp, 311 bp and 277 bp fragments). The gene,
genotype frequencies, average heterozygosity, polymorphic
information content and χ2 values for the
locus rs109231409 was ascertained.
Conclusions: No significant association between SNP
“rs109231409” with mastitis tolerance was found. Although there is
a lack of association, further studies have to be undertaken in a
large population in order to validate the impact of rs109231409
(g.855G >A) on mastitis tolerance.
Keywords: mannose-binding lectins 1, mastitis, polymerase
chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms, single
nucleotide polymorphism.
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