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online: 31-10-2014)
Virological and
immunological studies on foot and mouth disease virus type SAT2
naturally infected and vaccinated buffalo cows and their calves
- Ehab El-Sayed Ibrahim, Eman M. Soliman and Wagdy R. El-Ashmawy
Veterinary World, 7(10): 882-889

El-Sayed Ibrahim:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
Eman M.
Department of Reference Strain Bank, Central Laboratory for
Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics, Cairo, Egypt;
R. El-Ashmawy: Department of Infectious Disease, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt;
11-07-2014, Revised: 18-09-2014, Accepted: 26-09-2014, Published
online: 31-10-2014
Corresponding author:
Ehab El-Sayed Ibrahim, e-mail:
Due to inadequate data on the dynamics of foot and mouth
disease (FMD) infection in buffalo, the present work was aimed at
investigating some virological and immunological aspects of FMD
virus (FMDV) SAT2 infection in naturally exposed and vaccinated
buffalo cows and their calves.
Materials and Methods: The study employed clinical observation
and examination, virus isolation in mice brain and cell culture,
in addition to virus detection using complement fixation test;
indirect sandwitch enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and
demonstration of RNA by reverse transcription polymerase chain
reaction for confirmation the results.
Results: FMD type SAT2 antibodies was detected in a protective
level by the 1 st
week post infection and 3rd
week post vaccination and peak
titers were recorded by the 3rd
week, 12th
week in infected and vaccinated
buffaloes, respectively. These titers began to decline to reach
their lowest protective levels by the 36th
week, 12nd
in infected and vaccinated buffaloes respectively. The SAT2
antibodies in calves born to vaccinated and infected buffalo cows
were detected on the 1st
day post parturation through the
suckling of their Dam’s colostrums. The highest maternal antibody
titers were recorded in sera by the 2nd
day post parturation. These
antibodies declined gradually to reach their lowest protective
levels on14th
week, 16th
week post parturition in calves rom
vaccinated and infected buffaloes, respectively. High antibody
titers in the colostrums and milk of vaccinated and naturally
infected buffalo cows were recorded at parturition, and they began
to decrease gradually recording their lowest protective titers by
and 12nd
week post parturition
Conclusion: FMDV serotype SAT2 was confirmed as a causative
agent of the suspected FMD signs in pregnant buffalo at El-Fayoum
Governorate, Egypt, during 2012. Vaccinated and naturally infected
buffalo cows were able to provide their calves with high levels of
maternal derived antibodies through their colostrums, which could
protect new born calves for not less than 14 week post parturation.
Keywords: buffalo, foot and mouth disease, infection,
montanide oil ISA 206, SAT-2, vaccination.
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