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online: 09-10-2014)
Characterization of virulent Listeria
monocytogenes isolates recovered from ready-to-eat meat
products and consumers in Cairo, Egypt -
Maysa A. I. Awadallah
and Iman I. A. Suelam
Veterinary World, 7(10): 788-793

A. I. Awadallah:
Department of Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Zagazig, Egypt;
Iman I.
A. Suelam: Veterinary Hospital,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt;
30-06-2014, Revised: 01-09-2014, Accepted: 05-09-2014, Published
online: 08-10-2014
Corresponding author:
Maysa A. I. Awadallah, e-mail:
This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of some
virulence genes distributed in Listeria monocytogenes
isolated from ready-to-eat (RTE) meat products and consumers in
Cairo province, Egypt.
Materials and Methods: A total of 120 beef luncheon, chicken
luncheon and frankfurter beef (40 samples, each) were collected
from 10 different local shops situated in Al-salam city, Cairo
province, Egypt. Stool samples were collected from 40 people who
had the habit of consuming RTE meat. The suspected L.
monocytogenes isolates were subjected to a multiplex
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for rapid speciation and virulence
determination using primers specific for inIA, inIC,
and inIJ genes.
Results: Culture examination of all samples on Oxford media
revealed presence of colonies characteristic to L.
monocytogenes in 6 beef luncheon (15%), 4 chicken luncheon
(10%), 1 frankfurter beef (2.5%) and 1 human stool (2.5%) samples.
Species identity of L. monocytogenes was verified through
the amplification of a 800 bp fragment with inIA primers in
2 out of 6 culture isolates from beef luncheon (5%), and 1 out 4
culture isolates from chicken luncheon (2.5%) samples. Statistical
analysis revealed no significant difference between the occurrence
of L. monocytogenes in different food samples examined
(p>0.05). The virulence of these strains was ascertained by the
presence of 517 bp and 238 bp fragments of inIC and inIJ
genes, respectively in the isolates that contained the 800 bp
fragment. The culture isolates obtained from one frankfurter beef
sample, and one human stool sample were found negative by
multiplex PCR for the presence of L. monocytogenes and its
virulence specific genes.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that L. monocytogenes
are circulating in beef and chicken luncheon sold in Cairo, Egypt.
Multiplex PCR is reliable for confirmation of L. monocytogenes.
This study suggests the implementation of hygienic measures at all
levels from production to consumption in order to improve food
safety. Furthermore, authors recommended consumption of beef
frankfurter or any RTE meat sold in their original intact packing
due to low level of contamination.
Keywords: Listeria monocytogenes,, consumers,
ready-to-eat meat, speciation and virulence determination.
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