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online: 27-09-2014)
Prevalence, population dynamics and host preferences of
Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of livestock in
Marathwada region of Maharashtra State -
B. W. Narladkar and P.
R. Shivpuje
Veterinary World, 7(9): 717-726

B. W.
Department of
Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery
University, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India;
P. R.
Shivpuje: Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani,
Maharashtra, India;
24-05-2014, Revised:
31-07-2014, Accepted:
04-08-2014, Published online:
Corresponding author:
B. W. Narladkar, e-mail:
The present study is a part of a research project on
integrated pest management of livestock pests with reference to
Culicoides spp. Study of prevalence, population dynamics and
host preferences are the important benchmarks essential for
chalking out the strategies of integrated pest management of
Culicoides, thus the study was aimed.
Materials and Methods: Light trap collections of Culicoides
midges and other tiny flies from animal shed from seventeen
centers representing entire Maharashtra state were conducted.
Similarly, year round collections from host sheds were envisaged
to work out host preferences and population dynamics of
Culicoides spp. locally prevalent. Multiple regression
analysis was employed to define the environmental predictors
responsible for ups and downs during different seasons occurring
in the geographic region of the present study.
Results: Study revealed the prevalence of
Culicoides spp., Phlebotomus spp. and Simulium
spp. Simultaneous study undertaken by the aid of hand net,
collections of fly species from Marathwada region of Maharashtra
state yielded additionally, Tabanus spp., Pangonia
spp., mosquitoes and other cyclorrhaphan flies. Some of the
species are vectors of livestock diseases hence map of the
distribution of these pest species is for to reckon risk areas.
Population dynamics study on Culicoides spp. in Marathwada
region indicated that, (a) Culicoides population were
persistent throughout the year; (b) Two peaks of population, one
in the monsoon (August-September) and another minor peak occurred
during post monsoon/beginning of winter (November) of the year.
Drastic reduction in the population occurred during the month of
May, which is the hottest month in the year. Culicoides
collections from the sheds of different host species indicated the
preferences for feeding in the ascending order of preference as
cattle, sheep, buffaloes and then goats.
Conclusion: Prevalence of Culicoides schultzei, Culicoides
peregrinus and Culicoides actoni was occurred in the
Marathwada region of Maharashtra along with other haematophagus
flies. Seasonal population dynamic studies depicted two peaks in
the Culicoides population, and peak population observed
during the monsoon season. Study on the parameters is essential
for the preparation of prediction models and forecasting.
Keywords: Culicoides spp., host
preferences, livestock, Marathwada, population dynamics.
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