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21. Antibiotic residues in broiler and layer
meat in Chittagong district of Bangladesh - Sarmina
Sattar, Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan, S. K. M. Azizul Islam, Mahabub
Alam, Md. Shohel Al Faruk,Suchayan Chowdhury and A. K. M.
Veterinary World, 7(9): 738-743

Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal
Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan:
Department of
Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
S. K.
M. Azizul Islam:
Department of
Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal
Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
Department of Animal Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
Shohel Al Faruk:
Department of
Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal
Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
Department of Livestock Services, Upazilla
Livestock Office, Rangamati Sadar, Rangamati Hill Tracts,
Suchayan Chowdhury:
of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal
Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
A. K.
M. Saifuddin:
Department of
Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal
Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh;
14-06-2014, Revised:
22-08-2014, Accepted:
28-08-2014, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan, e-mail:
The present study was described thin layer chromatography
(TLC) and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)
method for the detection of antibacterial substances in poultry
muscle (breast and thigh), kidney, and liver.
Materials and Methods: TLC method was used for screening
detection of tetracycline, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, and
enrofloxacin residues in poultry tissues. The samples were
extracted with trichloroacetic acid (30%), diethyl ether, followed
by detection in pre-coated TLC paper on ultraviolet detector. The
UHPLC method was used for the quantification of antimicrobial
residues in poultry tissues.
Results: The residues of tetracycline were 48% in livers, 24%
in kidneys, 20% in thigh muscles, and 24% in breast muscles.
Ciprofloxacin residues were found 44% in liver, 42% in kidneys,
34% in thigh muscles and 30% in breast muscles. Enrofloxacin
residues were found 40% in liver, 34% in kidneys, 22% in thigh
muscles, and 18% in breast muscles. Amoxicillin residues were
found 42% in liver, 30% in kidneys, 26% in thigh muscles and 22%
in breast muscles. Most of the cases highest residues were found
in liver such as tetracycline (48%), ciprofloxacin (44%),
enrofloxacin (40%) and amoxicillin (42%) and almost lowest in
breast muscles. In addition, nine positive samples from broiler
were selected for amoxicillin residue quantification by UHPLC. It
was observed that the concentration of amoxicillin residue in
liver was ranging from 16.92 μg/kg to 152.62 μg/kg and in breast
muscle was 45.38 μg/kg to 60.55 μg/kg, respectively. The maximum
and minimum peak time was 4.7-5.2 min. Among the poultry tissues,
liver had the highest level of antibiotic residues in comparison
to other samples but the variation was not significant (p>0.05).
Conclusions: Evidence suggests that more judicious use of
antimicrobials in food animals will reduce the selection of
resistant bacteria and help to preserve these valuable drugs for
both human and veterinary medicine. The method described in this
study is a simple, easy inexpensive which can be readily adopted
by any laboratory for the detection of antibiotic residues in
tissues of food-producing animals.
Keywords: antibiotic
residues, broiler, layer, thin layer chromatography, ultra
high-performance liquid chromatography.
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