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online: 06-09-2014)
Detection of natural prevalence and
infection of ixodid ticks with Theileria equi in hilly
equines of Palam valley (India) -
Prateek Kashyap, Aman
D. Moudgil and Pallavi
Veterinary World, 7(9): 652-655

Prateek Kashyap: ERA and Brooke
India, Equine Welfare Unit, Palampur, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh,
Aman D. Moudgil: Department of
Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad
Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab,
Pallavi: Division of Veterinary Public
Health, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly,
Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 01-06-2014, Revised: 22-07-2014,
Accepted: 31-07-2014. Published Online: 06-09-2014
Corresponding author: Prateek
Kashyap, email:
The aim was to study the prevalence of tick infestation in
equines of Palam valley and specific detection of Theileria
equi infection in tick samples with nested polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) based assay.
Materials and Methods: In order to study the prevalence of
ixodid tick population in hilly equines and their potential role
in the transmission of T. equi, a total of 74 ticks were
collected from apparently healthy equines, which were then
processed and identified by classical parasitological technique.
The molecular techniques (nested PCR) were applied for
identification of infection of T. equi.
Results: The ticks (n=74) collected from apparently healthy
equines belonged mainly to three different species, of which 42
(56.75%) were Rhipicephalus microplus, whereas 16 (21.62%)
were of Hyalomma species and 16 (21.62%) were of
Hemaphysalis species. A total of 21 (30%) ticks were recovered
from male and 53 (75.7%) from female equines. Adult equines
harbored 94.6% (n=70) when compared to 5.4% (n=4) harbored by
young ones. On nested PCR amplification an amplicon of 665 bp size
specific for T. equi was detected in 6.75% (5/74) ticks (in
7.5% ticks recovered from a female and 4.7% from male equines).
Conclusion: Nested PCR assay resulted in significantly higher
efficacy of detection of the parasite in ticks. These results
clearly demonstrate the presence of equine theileriosis in hilly
northern state of the country and potential roles of ticks (R.
microplus, Haemaphysalis and Hyalomma species)
in its transmission.
Keywords: equines, Himachal Pradesh, nested
polymerase chain reaction, Theileria equi
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