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online: 06-09-2014)
Efficacy of fowl pox
vaccines against Egyptian isolated strain during 2012 -
Susan S El-Mahdy and Christine Mikheal
Veterinary World, 7(9): 656-660

Susan S
El-Mahdy: Central
Laboratory for Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics, El-Seka El-Beida
St. Abbasia 131, Cairo, Egypt;
Christine Mikheal: Department of Pox Vaccines Veterinary Serum
and Vaccine Research Institute, El Seka El-Beida St. Abbasia,
Cairo, Egypt;
01-05-2014, Revised: 16-07-2014, Accepted: 21-07-2014, Published
online: 06-09-2014
Corresponding author: Susan S. El-mahdy,
This study was designed to evaluate the protection induced by
different commercial fowl pox (FP) vaccines against local FP virus
isolated from Giza governorate in Egypt during 2012.
Materials and Methods: Efficacy of FP vaccines against local
field isolates was determined in seven groups of (20 birds/group)
6 weeks old specific-pathogen free chicks. Each group was
vaccinated via wing web with one of different FP living vaccines
and (20) chicks in group (8) did not receive any FP vaccine and
served as controls. At the 3 rd, 5th,
7th and 10th-da
post-vaccination (DPV), all birds were examined for the presence
of takes at the site of vaccination. Three weeks post vaccination,
serum samples were collected, and the levels of induced antibodies
were detected by passive hemagglutination (PH) test. All birds in
Groups (1-8A) were challenged individually via the wing web with
EID50 103.0 of the
Egyptian isolated strain during 2012.
Results: Takes detected at the site of vaccination at the 3 rd
day were ranging from 45 to 70%. This percent
increased to 80-95% at the 5th DPV with a
maximum elevation of takes at the 7th DPV
(90-100%). Geometric mean titer of PH assay antibody titer, 3
weeks post vaccination, was ranging between 5.60 and 9.60
according to the type of vaccine used and with protection 90-100%.
Conclusion: Efficacy of some commercial FP vaccines used in
the poultry field against the Egyptian isolated strain during 2012
ranged between 90% and 100% according to the type of used vaccine.
Keywords: chickens, fowl pox vaccines, local
Egyptian isolated strain.
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