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online: 07-09-2014)
Comparison of blood profiles between healthy
and Brucella affected cattle -
Rita Nath, Sutopa Das,
Satya Sarma and Maitrayee Devi
Veterinary World, 7(9): 668-670

Nath: Department
of Veterinary Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Science,
Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Das: Department of
Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati,
Assam, India;
Sarma: Department
of Veterinary Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Science,
Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Maitrayee Devi: Department of Microbiology, College of
Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Received: 23-05-2014, Revised: 20-07-2014,
Accepted: 27-07-2014, Published online: 07-09-2014
Corresponding author: Rita Nath,
The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the blood
biochemical metabolites of crossbred cattle suffering from
brucellosis, in Khetri region of Kamrup District of Assam, India.
Materials and Methods: Blood was collected by venipuncture
from the jugular vein using 18 gauge hypodermic needle fitted to a
Vacutainer-Leur adapter and evacuated tubes. Samples were screened
for Brucella by rose Bengal plate test using plate test
antigen. The study consisted of two groups. Group I consisted of
healthy crossbred cows and Group II consisted of crossbred cows
affected with brucellosis. Blood metabolites were estimated by
spectrophotometric methods.
Results: Out of 14 serum samples, 8 samples were positive for
Brucella and remaining 6 were found to be negative. It was
observed that serum albumin and urea of the affected cattle showed
a significant decrease (p<0.05), but serum globulin, cholesterol,
triglyceride, aspartate transaminase, and alanine transaminase
activities were significantly increased (p<0.05) in comparison to
the healthy cattle. Glucose, protein, albumin: globulin ratio,
blood urea nitrogen did not show much variation between the
Brucellosis affected and healthy cattle.
Conclusion: Results obtained showed that brucellosis have a
harmful effect on the animals health as they disturb the vital
organs functions, which appear in the form of changes in blood
biochemical parameters.
Keywords: biochemical metabolites,
brucellosis, cattle, rose Bengal plate test.
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