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Effect of
nutritional status on the ovarian follicular population, yield and
quality of oocytes in the Ngaoundere Gudali zebu (Bos indicus)
Justin Kouamo, Sorelle Gwladys Djatche Tidjou, Andre Pagnah Zoli
and Youssouf Mouliom Mfopit
Veterinary World, 8(4): 502-507

Kouamo: Department
of Surgery and Medical Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine
and Sciences, The University of Ngaoundere, Po Box 454, Ngaoundere,
Gwladys Djatche Tidjou:
Department of Surgery
and Medical Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences,
The University of Ngaoundere, Po Box 454, Ngaoundere, Cameroon;
Pagnah Zoli:
Department of Physiology and Biotechnology of Reproduction, School
of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, The University of Ngaoundere,
Po Box 454, Ngaoundere, Cameroon;
Youssouf Mouliom Mfopit: Department of Biochemistry, Regional
Centre of the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development
Po Box 65,
Ngaoundere, Cameroon;
Received: 17-12-2014, Revised: 08-03-2015, Accepted: 17-03-2015,
Published online: 16-04-2015
Corresponding author: Justin
Kouamo, e-mail:
Kouamo J, Tidjou SG,
Zoli AP, Mfopit YM (2015) Effect of nutritional status on the
ovarian follicular population, yield and quality of oocytes in the
Ngaoundere Gudali zebu (Bos indicus), Veterinary World 8(4):
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of
nutritional status of the Gudali cows slaughtered at the
Ngaoundere abattoir on follicular population, quality, and oocytes
Materials and Methods: Blood and ovaries were collected from
81 cows aged 6.35±0.24 years (3-12 years old), with a body
condition score (BCS) of 2.93±0.09 (1-5). In each ovary, the
follicle were counted and classified as small (<3 mm), medium (3-8
mm) and large (>8 mm) using an electronic caliper. Oocytes were
collected by slicing technique and classified according to the
homogeneity of the cytoplasm and layers of granulosa into four
groups: I, II, III, and IV. The nutritional status of the animals
was determined by quantification of serum glucose, total
cholesterol, total protein, albumin, globulins, urea, and
phosphorus level.
Results: Of the total 162 ovaries harvested, 2916 follicles
were counted on the ovarian surface with an average population of
36.00±2.17 follicles/cow. According to a size distribution,
16.67±1.54 (46.3%), 18.83±1.27 (52.3%) and 0.51±0.07 (1.4%),
respec-tively for small (<3 mm), medium (3-8 mm), and large (>8
mm) were recorded. About 1,929 oocytes were obtained, with an
average recovered of 23.81±1.53 oocytes/cow. Depending on the
quality, 7.79±0.55 (32.7%), 6.04±0.41 (25.3%), 4.89±0.44 (20.6%)
and 5.10±0.54 (21.4%) oocytes qualities I, II, III, and IV were
obtained respectively; with an average cultivable oocyte recovered
of 13.83±0.89 (58%). Cows with BCS > 3 and a high albumin and
phosphorus level showed a highest number of follicles and oocytes
able for in vitro maturation.
Conclusion: These results indicated that
nutrition remains an important factor for the in vitro
production of the good embryo and the BCS is a useful tool for the
selection of females’ oocytes donors.
Keywords: body condition score, energy,
follicles, Gudali, oocytes, protein, phosphorus.
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