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Evaluation of different egg quality traits and interpretation of
their mode of inheritance in White Leghorns
Pradeepta Kumar Rath, Prasanna Kumar Mishra, Bandi Kumar Mallick
and Nrusingha Charan Behura
Veterinary World, 8(4): 449-452

Pradeepta Kumar Rath:
P.G. Department of Poultry
Science, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry,
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar –
751003, Odisha, India;
Prasanna Kumar
Mishra: P.G. Department of Poultry
Science, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry,
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar –
751003, Odisha, India;
Bandi Kumar Mallick:
Central Poultry
Development Organisation (CPDO), Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India;
Nrusingha Charan
Behura: P.G. Department of Poultry
Science, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry,
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar –
751003, Odisha, India;
20-12-2014, Revised: 24-02-2015, Accepted: 05-03-2015, Published
online: 07-04-2015
Corresponding author:
Pradeepta Kumar Rath, e-mail:
PK, Mishra PK, Mallick BK, Behura NC (2015) Evaluation of
different egg quality traits and interpretation of their mode of
inheritance in White Leghorns, Veterinary World 8(4):
Aim: The experiment was
carried out to evaluate different external and internal egg
quality traits and to figure out their mode of inheritance from a
set of hierarchically classified data.
Materials and Methods: The data collected from 548 progenies
(1 egg from each progeny) of 282 dams mated to 47 sires (1 sire
mated to 6 dams) of a White Leghorn flock were used in the present
study. Phenotypic means and their standard errors were calculated
for all the quality traits. Heritabilities were estimated for
these traits separately from "sire," "dam" and "sire+dam"
(full-sib) components of variance using Statistical Package for
Social Sciences-17 program.
Results: External quality traits such as; egg weight, length,
width, shape index, surface area, shell weight, shell thickness,
shell ratio, and internal quality traits such as; length, width,
height, and weight of albumen and yolk, albumen index, albumen
ratio, Haugh unit (H.U.), yolk diameter, yolk index, yolk ratio,
and yolk albumen ratio were measured in 548 eggs of the
experimental White Leghorn flock. The eggs were found to have
optimum weight (57.78±0.20 g), shape index (73.53±0.18) and shell
characteristics (6 g, 0.32 mm) as per its genetic potential.
Higher values for albumen height (8.41±0.04) mm and H.U.
(92.00±0.19) are attributable to the freshness of eggs and proper
age of hens. Heritability estimates from "sire" component of
variance were higher than "dam" and "sire+dam" components for the
traits like egg weight, length, width, shape index, surface area,
albumen width, albumen index, H.U., yolk width, yolk height, yolk
weight, and yolk index whereas for rest of the traits the values
estimated from "dam" component were higher. Estimates from "sire+dam"
component were intermediate to the estimates derived from "sire"
and "dam" components.
Conclusion: The heritability estimates from different egg
quality traits were moderate to high. Since most of the traits
have high heritability values, these traits can be improved by
mass selection.
Keywords: egg quality, heritability, means, white leghorn.
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