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(Published online:
Zoonotic enteric parasites transmitted from dogs in Egypt with
special concern to Toxocara canis infection -
Maysa A. I.
Awadallah and Lobna M. A. Salem
Veterinary World, 8(8): 946-957

A. I. Awadallah:
Department of Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Zagazig 44511, Egypt;
M. A. Salem: Department of Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Benha University, Benha 13518, Egypt;
20-05-2015, Revised: 06-07-2015, Accepted: 11-07-2015, Published
online: 07-08-2015
Corresponding author:
Maysa A. I. Awadallah, e-mail:
Awadallah MAI, Salem
LMA (2015) Zoonotic enteric parasites transmitted from dogs in
Egypt with special concern to Toxocara canis infection,
Veterinary World 8(8): 946-957.
This work aimed to study the role played by dogs in
transmitting zoonotic enteric parasites to humans in Egypt and to
analyze the risk factors associated with the occurrence of such
infection in dogs. Serodiagnosis of anti-Toxocara
immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies among human beings as well as
analyzing risk factors predispose to Toxocara canis
infection in human beings are another objectives of this study.
Materials and Methods: From June to December 2013, a total of
130 fecal samples from 4 dog populations (Military, nomadic and
domiciled dogs from rural and high standard districts) and 150
stool samples of 6 occupational groups were examined for the
presence of enteric parasitic infection. Moreover, 150 serum
samples were collected from humans from whom stool samples were
collected and examined for the presence of anti-T. canis
Results: Enteric parasites were detected in 30% of fecal
samples from 4 dog populations in Egypt. High infectivity had been
reported in nomadic dogs (63.33%) (Crude odds ratios [COR]=67.36,
95% confidence interval [CI]=8.09-560.8, p ˂0.000),
followed by domiciled dogs from rural areas (40%) (COR=26, 95%
CI=3.14-215.54, p=0.003), domiciled dogs from high standard areas
(23.33%) (COR=11.87, 95% CI=1.37-102.69, p=0.025) and military
dogs (2.5%). Twelve species of enteric parasites were identified,
Ancylostomatidae (6.15%), T. canis and
Cryptosporidium spp. (5.38%, each), Heterophyes spp.
(3.85%), Toxocara leonina and Blastocystis spp.
(3.07%), Taenidae eggs (2.31%), Hymenolepis diminuta
(1.54%) and Entamoeba canis, Cyclospora cayetanensis,
and Paragonimus spp. (0.77%, each). Univariate logestic
regression revealed significant association of age (COR=4.73, 95%
CI=2.13-10.53, p˂0.000),
gender (COR=2.63, 95% CI=1.22-5.68, p˂0.014),
housing system (COR=5.10, 95% CI=2.04-12.75), p˂0.000)
with enteric parasitic infection in dogs. However, breeds (COR=6.91,
95% CI=0.88-54.52, p=0.067) and type of feeding (COR ranged from
3.5 to 7.62, p˃0.05)
did not seem to have a significant association among the examined
dogs. Enteric parasitic infection was reported in 31/150 human
stools (20.67%). Students were the most affected groups (37.14%),
followed by nomadic people (24%), house wives (20%), house
guarders and military workers (12%, each), and employees (10%).
The identified parasites were Cryptosporidium spp. (9.33%),
Ascaris lumbercoides (3.33%), Heterophyes spp. and
Ancylostoma spp. (2.66%, each) and Paragonimus spp.
and Hymenolepis nana (1.33%, each). Toxocara IgG
antibodies were detected in 36/150 (24%) serum samples
investigated. Toxocara IgG antibodies were more prevalent
in males (26.66%) than females (20%). Seroprevalence was highest
(17/35, 48.57%) in 7-15 years old (COR=6.93, 95% CI=1.75-27.43,
p=0.006). Seroprevalence values for T. canis antibodies
were higher in those; raising dogs (29.85%), eating raw vegetables
(25.21%) and not washing hands before meals (25.45%). T. canis
antibodies were detected in 25% of those contacted with soil
compared to 30% of those did not. Students were mostly affected
(34.29%), followed by nomadic people (32%), house guarders (28%),
housewives (20%), military workers (13%), and employees (10%).
Conclusion: Detection of enteric parasites in dogs and humans
in Egypt substantiates the role posed by dogs in transmitting
zoonotic parasites to humans and knock an alarm for common sources
of infection for humans and dogs. Common sources may be infected
fish or contaminated vegetables that are consumed by dogs or
humans or even infected rodents that may contaminate their feed.
This pilot study necessitate the need for similar studies and
tracing such infection in fish, vegetables, rodent that may be
responsible for infecting humans and dogs in order to understand
the epidemiology of zoonotic parasitic infection transmitted from
dogs to humans.
Keywords: dogs, enteric parasites, humans,
risk factors, zoonoses.
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