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Comparison of follicular dynamics, superovulatory response, and
embryo recovery between estradiol based and conventional
superstimulation protocol in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Narinder Singh, G. S. Dhaliwal, V. S. Malik, D. Dadarwal, M.
Honparkhe, S. Singhal and P. S. Brar
Veterinary World, 8(8): 983-988

Narinder Singh:
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Guru Angad
Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Punjab, India;
G. S. Dhaliwal:
Department of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Guru Angad Dev
Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab,
V. S. Malik:
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Guru Angad
Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Punjab, India;
D. Dadarwal:
Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada;
M. Honparkhe:
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Guru Angad
Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Punjab, India;
S. Singhal:
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Guru Angad
Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Punjab, India;
P. S. Brar: Department of Veterinary
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University,
Punjab, India;
06-05-2015, Revised: 10-07-2015, Accepted: 16-07-2015, Published
online: 12-08-2015
Corresponding author:
Narinder Singh, e-mail:
N, Dhaliwal GS, Malik VS, Dadarwal D, Honparkhe M, Singhal S, Brar
PS (2015) Comparison of follicular dynamics, superovulatory
response and embryo recovery between estradiol based and
conventional superstimulation protocol in buffaloes (Bubalus
bubalis), Veterinary World 8(8): 983-988.
Aim: To evaluate the
follicular dynamics, superovulatory response, and embryo recovery
following superstimulatory treatment initiated at estradiol-17β
induced follicular wave emergence and its comparison with
conventional superstimulatory protocol in buffaloes.
Materials and Methods: Six normal cycling pluriparous
buffaloes, lactating, 90-180 days post-partum, and weighing
between 500 and 660 kg were superstimulated twice with a
withdrawal period of 35 days in between two treatments. In
superstimulation protocol-1 (estradiol group) buffaloes were
administered estradiol-17β (2 mg, i.m.) and eazibreed controlled
internal drug release (CIDR) was inserted intravaginally (day=0)
at the random stage of the estrous cycle. On the day 4, buffaloes
were superstimulated using follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 400
mg, divided into 10 tapering doses given at 12 hourly intervals.
Prostaglandin F2α analogs (PGF2α) was administered at day 7.5 and
day 8, and CIDR was removed with the second PGF2α injection. In
superstimulation protocol - 2 (conventional group) buffaloes were
superstimulated on the 10th day of the estrous cycle with same FSH
dose regimen and similar timings for PGF2α injections. In both
groups, half of the buffaloes were treated with luteinizing
hormone (LH) 25 mg and other half with 100 ug buserelin;
gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) analog at 12 h after the
end of FSH treatment. All buffaloes in both protocols were
inseminated twice at 12 and 24 h of LH/GnRH treatment. Daily
ultrasonography was performed to record the size and number of
follicles and superovulatory response.
Results: Significantly higher number of small follicles (<8
mm) was present at the time of initiation of superstimulatory
treatment in the estradiol group compared to the conventional
group (12.5±0.80 vs. 7.3±1.21, respectively, p=0.019), however,
the number of ovulatory size follicles (≥8 mm) did not differ
significantly between the respective groups (15.5±1.24 vs.
12.2±1.30; p=0.054). Total embryos and transferable embryos
recovered were non-significantly higher in the estradiol group
compared to the conventional group (5.83±0.86 vs. 4.67±1.16,
p=0.328, and 3.67±0.93 vs. 2.67±0.68, p=0.437, respectively). The
significant higher proportion of transferable embryos were
recovered in buffaloes treated with LH compared to GnRH (73.3% vs.
48.5%; p=0.044).
Conclusion: The average number of ovulatory size follicles
(>8 mm), corpora lutea, and transferable embryos was higher in
buffaloes superstimulated at estradiol-induced follicular wave
compared to the conventional protocol: Further the percentage of
transferable embryos was significantly higher in buffaloes
administered with LH compared to GnRH.
Keywords: buffalo, embryo, estradiol-17β, superstimulation,
ovulation rate.
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