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on inclusion of probiotic, prebiotic and its combination in
broiler diet and their effect on carcass characteristics and
economics of commercial broilers
M. A.
Saiyed, R. S. Joshi, F. P. Savaliya, A. B. Patel, R. K. Mishra and
N. J. Bhagora
Veterinary World, 8(2): 225-231

M. A. Saiyed:
Veterinary Dispensary Tarapur, District Panchayat Anand, Gujarat,
R. S. Joshi:
Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding, Veterinary College,
Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India;
F. P. Savaliya:
Poultry Complex, Veterinary College, Anand Agricultural
University, Anand, Gujarat, India;
A. B. Patel:
Poultry Complex, Veterinary College, Anand Agricultural
University, Anand, Gujarat, India;
R. K. Mishra:
Poultry Complex, Veterinary College, Anand Agricultural
University, Anand, Gujarat, India;
N. J. Bhagora: Poultry Complex,
Veterinary College, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat,
09-12-2014, Revised: 03-01-2015, Accepted: 09-01-2015, Published
online: 25-02-2015
Corresponding author:
M. A.
Saiyed, email:
Saiyed MA,
Joshi RS, Savaliya FP, Patel AB, Mishra RK, Bhagora NJ (2015)
Study on inclusion of probiotic, prebiotic and its combination in
broiler diet and their effect on carcass characteristics and
economics of commercial broilers, Veterinary World 8(2):225-231.
Background and Aim: In today era, broiler
industry facing a problem of price hiking of feed of broiler, also
in competitive era there should be lower feed cost, lower feed
conversion ratio, low feed consumption yet good body weight at
marketable age.
Materials and Methods: Day-old commercial broiler chicks
(n=200) were distributed randomly into 5 dietary treatment groups
viz. control (T 1), probiotic in the
feed @ 100 g/tonne of feed (T2), prebiotic
in the feed @ 500 g/tonne of feed (T3),
probiotic + prebiotic @ 100 g/tonne and 500 g/tonne of feed,
respectively (T4) and probiotic + prebiotic
@ 50 g/tonne and 250 g/tonne of feed (T5).
The growth of broilers and dressing weight along with the weight
of giblet (liver without gall bladder, gizzard without serous
layer, and heart without pericardium), Kidney, Abdominal fat,
Length of Intestine and dressing percentage were measured.
Economics in terms of Return Over Feed Cost (ROFC) and European
Performance Efficiency Index (EPEI) was calculated.
Results: Among all carcass traits, dressing percentage,
abdominal fat weight and abdominal fat percentage (as a percentage
of dressed weight) were recorded significant (p<0.05) difference
among different treatment groups. The income from selling of the
birds was significantly (p<0.05) higher in all treatment groups
than the control group but there was a non-significant difference
between supplemented groups. Feed cost during whole experimental
period was significantly (p<0.05) lower in synbiotic supplemented
groups (T 4 and
T5) than other groups. ROFC of all treatment
group found significantly (p<0.05) higher than the control group.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the diet supplemented
with synbiotic (100% level) was most efficient in terms of EPEI
and synbiotic (50% level) in terms of ROFC. Hence, as feed
supplement, synbiotic has a beneficial effect over probiotic and
prebiotic when used alone.
Keywords: broiler, carcass traits, European Performance
Efficiency Index, prebiotic, probiotic, Return Over Feed Cost,
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