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online: 17-01-2015)
13. Japanese encephalitis: Challenges and intervention
opportunities in Nepal - Shristi Ghimire and Santosh
Veterinary World, 8(1): 61-65

National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Center, Kathmandu,
Dhakal: Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Food
Animal Health Research Program, Ohio Agricultural Research and
Development Center, The Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio, USA;
Received: 20-09-2014, Revised: 03-12-2014, Accepted: 12-12-2014,
Published online: 17-01-2015
Corresponding author:
Shristi Ghimire, email:
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a
mosquito borne zoonotic disease caused by JE virus (JEV). JE has
been endemic in Terai region, the lowland plains of Nepal
bordering India, since 1978. However, in recent years cases of JE
has been continuously reported from high altitude zones of hills
and mountains. Irrigated rice farming system, expanded pig
husbandry practices, inadequate vaccine coverage, low level of
public awareness and climate change favoring mosquito breeding in
higher altitudes might be the probable risk factors for emergence
and re-emergence of JE in Nepal. Repeated outbreak in endemic
areas and geographical expansion to newer areas have created huge
challenge for JE prevention and control. At present, JE is one of
the major public health concern of Nepal. Expanding vaccine
coverage, improving agricultural practices, generating public
awareness, supporting for use of mosquito avoiding practices and
regional collaboration at border against JE can be helpful in
getting better control over it in future.
Keywords: geographical expansion, Japanese encephalitis,
Japanese encephalitis virus, Nepal, pig.
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