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online: 24-01-2015)
Chemical composition of solar dried blood and the ruminal content
and its effect on performance of Japanese quails -
Jyotiprabha Mishra, Robinson J. J. Abraham, V. Appa Rao, R. Asha
Rajini, B. P. Mishra and N. R. Sarangi
Veterinary World, 8(1): 82-87

Jyotiprabha Mishra:
Department of
Meat Science and Technology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India;
Robinson J. J. Abraham:
Department of
Meat Science and Technology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India;
V. Appa
Department of Meat Science and Technology, Madras Veterinary
College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;
R. Asha
Department of Poultry Science, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India;
B. P.
Veterinary Dispensary, Rajsunakhala, Nayagarh, Odisha, India;
N. R.
Sarangi: Department of Livestock Production Management,
College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, OUAT,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India;
Received: 19-09-2014, Revised: 07-12-2014, Accepted: 15-12-2014,
Published online: 24-01-2015
Corresponding author:
Jyotiprabha Mishra, e-mail:
The aim was to determine the chemical composition of solar
dried blood and rumen content (DBRC) and further ascertain the
concentration at which DBRC could be included in Japanese quail
diets without any adverse effect on its performance.
Materials and Methods: Feeding trial on the effect of DBRC on
performance of Japanese quails was studied up to 5 weeks. 252
numbers of day old (Nandanam Type III breed) Japanese quails were
purchased from Poultry Research Station, Madhavaram and divided
into 7 batches (control+ six treatments) each consisting of 36
birds. The DBRC was included at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%
in diets as control, treatment-1 (T1), treatment-2 (T2),
treatment-3 (T3), treatment-4 (T4), treatment-5 (T5) and
treatment-6 (T6) respectively in a completely randomized design to
replace soybean meal in Japanese quail feed. The birds were
provided with ad-labidum feed and drinking water ad-libitum
during the entire experimental period.
Results: The crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), ether
extract (EE) and ash contents of DBRC were 35.87%, 17.40%, 3.6%
and 12.6%, respectively. The amount of essential amino acids and
non-essential amino acid content were found to be 12.98 and 4.87
(g/100 g of feed) respectively in DBRC feed. Result showed that
all birds fed DBRC diets performed better than the control group.
Mortality was unaffected by dietary treatments. There was a
significant difference (p<0.01) observed in weight gain in
treatment groups compared to the control.
Conclusion: Up to 30% DBRC could be incorporated in the diets
of Japanese quails without any adverse effects on its performance.
Keywords: chemical analysis, growth performance, Japanese
quails, solar dried blood and rumen content.
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