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online: 06-01-2015)
Kinnow madarin (Citrus
nobilis lour × Citrus deliciosa tenora) fruit waste
silage as potential feed for small ruminants -
B. A. Malla, A. Rastogi, R. K. Sharma, A.
Ishfaq and J. Farooq
Veterinary World, 8(1): 19-23

B. A.
Department of Dairy Cattle Nutrition, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal, Haryana, India;
Division of Animal Nutrition, Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and
Kashmir, India;
R. K.
Division of Animal Nutrition, Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and
Kashmir, India;
Division of Animal Nutrition, Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and
Kashmir, India;
Farooq: Division of Animal Nutrition, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir, India;
Received: 25-08-2014, Revised: 19-11-2014, Accepted: 28-11-2014,
Published: 06-01-2015
Corresponding author:
B. A. Malla, email:
Study was conducted to ascertain the quality of Kinnow
mandarin waste (KMW) silage and its utilization by adult male
Materials and Methods: KMW was collected, dried to 30% dry
matter level and ensiled in silo pit after addition of disodium
hydrogen orthophosphate as source of phosphorus as KMW is
deficient in phosphorus. Oat was collected at milking stage,
chopped finely and ensiled in a silo pit for 2 months. Twelve
nondescript local adult male goats of about 8-10 months age and
mean body weight of 23.00±0.90 kg were selected. The goats were
randomly allotted on body weight as per randomized block design
into two equal groups, six animals in each group (n=6) namely “oat
silage (OS)” and “Kinnow silage.” Goats were offered weighed
quantities of respective silage on ad libitum basis. The
silages were evaluated for proximate principles and silage quality
Results: Differences were found between chemical composition
of both silages with higher organic matter, ether extracts,
nitrogen free extract (p<0.05) and lower (p<0.01) crude fiber,
neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fibre concentration in
KMW silage as compared to OS. However, silages were isonitrogenous
(8.20 vs. 8.17; p>0.05 for CP) and possess comparable (2.23 vs.
2.06; p>0.05) calcium content. The pH, ammonia nitrogen (percent
of total nitrogen) and soluble carbohydrate content were lower
(4.20 vs. 3.30; 4.14 vs. 3.80; 2.73 vs. 1.86; p<0.05) in KMW
silage, whereas, lactic acid concentration was higher (6.23 vs.
8.14; p<0.05) in KMW silage indicating its superior quality as
compared to OS. Body weight (kg) of goats and silage intake
(g/day), were comparable (p>0.05) among the two dietary groups.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that KMW can be used to
prepare good quality silage for feeding of goats.
Keywords: citrus waste, goats, kinnow mandarin waste, silage.
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