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online: 09-01-2015)
Dynamics of faecal
egg count in natural infection of Haemonchus spp. in Indian
goats - Nimisha Agrawal,
Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Ajoy Mandal, Pramod Kumar Rout and Yogendra
Kumar Kushwah
Veterinary World, 8(1): 38-41

Division of Goat Health and Goat Genetics and Breeding, Central
Institute for Research on Goats, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Kumar Sharma:
Division of Goat Health and Goat Genetics and Breeding, Central
Institute for Research on Goats, Mathura,
Uttar Pradesh, India;
Animal Breeding Section, Eastern Regional Station, National Dairy
Research Institute, Nadia, West Bengal, India;
Kumar Rout:
Division of Goat Health and Goat Genetics and Breeding, Central
Institute for Research on Goats, Mathura,
Uttar Pradesh, India;
Yogendra Kumar Kushwah: Division of Goat Health and Goat
Genetics and Breeding, Central Institute for Research on Goats,
Pradesh, India;
Received: 04-10-2014, Revised: 04-12-2014, Accepted: 11-12-2014,
Published online: 09-01-2015
Corresponding author:
Dinesh Kumar Sharma, email:
Dynamics of faecal egg count (FEC) in Haemonchus spp.
infected goats of two Indian goat breeds, Jamunapari and
Sirohi, in natural conditions was studied and effects of genetic
and non-genetic factors were determined.
Materials and Methods: A total of 1399 faecal samples of goats
of Jamunapari and Sirohi breeds, maintained at CIRG, Makhdoom,
Mathura, India and naturally infected with Haemonchus spp.,
were processed and FEC was performed. Raw data generated on FEC
were transformed by loge (FEC+100) and transformed
data (least squares mean of FEC [LFEC]) were analyzed using a
mixed model least squares analysis for fitting constant. Fixed
effects such as breed, physiological status, season and year of
sampling and breed × physiological states interaction were used.
Result: The incidence of Haemomchus spp. infection in
Jamunapari and Sirohi does was 63.01 and 47.06%, respectively. The
mean LFEC of both Jamunapari and Sirohi (does) at different
physiological stages, namely dry, early pregnant, late pregnant
early lactating and late lactating stages were compared. Breed,
season and year of sampling had a significant effect on FEC in
Haemomchus spp. infection. Effect of breed × physiological
interaction was also significant. The late pregnant does of both
breeds had higher FEC when compared to does in other stages.
Conclusion: Breed difference in FEC was more pronounced at the
time of post kidding (early lactation) when sharp change in FEC
was observed.
Keywords: faecal egg count,
goats, Haemonchus.
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