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Diagnosis of urinary bladder diseases in
dogs by using two-dimensional and three-dimensional
ultrasonography - Dinesh Dehmiwal, S.M.Behl, Prem
Singh, Rishi Tayal, Madan Pal and R.K.Chandolia
Veterinary World, 8(7): 819-822

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar,
S. M.
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar,
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar,
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar,
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar,
R. K.
Chandolia: Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and
Obstetrics, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary &
Sciences, Hisar, Haryana, India;
09-03-2015, Revised: 26-05-2015, Accepted: 04-06-2015, Published
online: 07-07-2015
Corresponding author:
Dinesh Dehmiwal, e-mail:
Dehmiwal D, Behl SM,
Singh P, Tayal R, Pal M, Chandolia RK (2015) Diagnosis of urinary
bladder diseases in dogs by using two-dimensional and
three-dimensional ultrasonography, Veterinary World 8(7):
The objective of this study was to obtain and compare
two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonographic
images of the urinary bladder in different disease conditions.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducting on
total 10clinical cases of the urinary bladder in dogs. The
ultrasound (US) machine used for this study was 3D US machine (Nemio-XG:
Toshiba, Japan) having a four-dimensional volumetric probe.
Results: In the present study, the inflamed thickened wall was
clearly visible with the distinction of different layers of the
urinary bladder wall in some of the cases of cystitis using 2D
ultrasonography. In 3D sonogram, the urinary bladder was
visualized as a large anechoic structure with no distinction of
different layers of the bladder wall. The cystoliths were clearly
visible as hyperechoic structures with distal acoustic shadow in
2D sonogram and appeared as a bright echogenic area in 3D
sonogram. In case of urinary bladder neoplasia in 2D ultrasonogram,
the bladder lumen was found to be occluded with a large growth
imaged as focal anechoic areas in the tissue of mixed echogenicity
with small hyperechoic dots in this tissue parenchyma. In 3D
ultrasonogram, a tissue of mixed echogenicity of pus was also
Conclusion: From the present study it was concluded that 2D
and 3D ultrasonography is very helpful for diagnosis of different
clinical conditions of the urinary bladder such as cystitis,
cystoliths, and urinary bladder neoplasia. The cavity of urinary
bladder was more clearly visualized in 3D ultrasonography, but the
distinction of different layers of the bladder wall was visualized
only in 2D ultrasonography. The distinct shadow of pus and
cystoliths were visible in 2D ultrasonogram. The visualization of
pus in 3D ultrasonography was done for the first time in present
Keywords: anechoic, cystitis, cystoliths,
hyperechoic, hypoechoic, neoplasia, ultrasonography.
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