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Preparation and effects of nano mineral
particle feeding in livestock: A review - Partha
Sarathi Swain, D. Rajendran, S. B. N. Rao and George Dominic
Veterinary World, 8(7): 888-891

Sarathi Swain:
Division of Dairy Cattle Nutrition, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
Animal Nutrition Division, National Institute of Animal Nutrition
and Physiology, Bengaluru - 560 030, Karnataka, India;
S. B.
N. Rao:
Animal Nutrition Division, National Institute of Animal Nutrition
and Physiology, Bengaluru - 560 030, Karnataka, India;
Dominic: Division of Dairy Cattle Nutrition, National Dairy
Research Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
01-03-2015, Revised: 10-06-2015, Accepted: 17-06-2015, Published
online: 21-07-2015
Corresponding author:
S. B. N. Rao, e-mail:
Swain PS, Rajendran D,
Rao SBN, Dominic G (2015) Preparation and effects of nano mineral
particle feeding in livestock: A review, Veterinary World 8(7):
minerals are widely used in diversified sectors including
agriculture, animal, and food systems. Hence, their multiple uses
provoke the production of nanomaterials at the laboratory level,
which can be achieved through physical, chemical or biological
methods. Every method is having its own merits and demerits. But
keeping all in mind, chemical methods are more beneficial, as
uniform nano-sized particles can be produced, but the use of
corrosive chemicals is the main demerits. When it comes to
environmental issues, biological methods are better as these are
free from corrosive chemicals, but maintaining the culture media
is the disadvantage. For animal feeding, chemical methods are
mostly followed to produce nano minerals as it is cheap and less
time consuming. These nano minerals also showed their significant
effects even at lower doses of recommendations than the
conventional mineral sources. These nano minerals have significant
growth promoting, immuno-modulatory, antibacterial effects than
the conventional counterparts. They also alter the rumen
fermentation pattern on supplementation in the animal feeds. Apart
from these, nano minerals are reported to enhance the reproduction
in the livestock and poultry.
Keywords: biological effects, mineral
nutrition, nanotechnology, nano Zn, synthesis.
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