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Detection of Helicobacter pylori glmM
gene in bovine milk using Nested polymerase chain reaction
- Eyman Y.
Osman, A. M. S. El-Eragi, Abuobeida M. Musa, Salma B. El-Magboul,
Magdi B. A/Rahman and Abdelmounem E. Abdo
Veterinary World, 8(7): 913-917

Y. Osman:
Department of Pathology and Diagnosis, Veterinary Research
Institute, P. O. Box 8067, ALAmart (St. 1), Khartoum, Sudan;
A. M.
S. El-Eragi:
Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Bisha University,
P.O. Box: 1140, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
Abuobeida M. Musa:
Department of Health, Maliha Municipality, P. O. Box: 13888,
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates;
B. El-Magboul:
Department of Molecular Biology, Veterinary Research Institute, P.
O. Box 8067, ALAmart (St.1), Khartoum, Sudan;
B. A/Rahman:
Department of Pathology and Diagnosis, Veterinary Research
Institute. P. O. Box 8067, ALAmart (St.1), Khartoum, Sudan;
Abdelmounem E. Abdo: Department of Gastroenterology,
Directorate of the National Centre for Gastrointestinal and liver
disease, Ibnsina Hospital, Alamarat (St.17) postal code 122117 P.
O. Box: 15004, Khartoum, Sudan;
Received: 07-03-2015, Revised: 16-06-2015, Accepted: 27-06-2015,
Published online: 26-07-2015
Corresponding author:
Eyman, Y. Osman, e-mail:
Osman EY, El-Eragi AMS,
Musa AM, El-Magboul SB, A/Rahman MB, Abdo AE (2015) Detection of
Helicobacter pylori glmM gene in bovine milk using Nested
polymerase chain reaction, Veterinary World 8(7):913-917.
The aim was to detect the glmM
gene of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in cow’s
milk from different dairy farms in Khartoum State using Nested
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Materials and Methods: A total of 50 milk samples were
collected from different dairy farms in Khartoum State (13 from
Khartoum, 24 Khartoum North, and 13 from Omdurman Provinces).
Results: The generated results showed that 11/50 (22%) were
harboring the investigated H. pylori
glmM gene in
Khartoum State (1/13 [7.7%] Khartoum, 9/24 [37.5%] Khartoum North,
and 1/13 [7.7%] Omdurman provinces, respectively).
Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this was the first
report on the detection of H. pylori
glmM gene in
cattle milk in Khartoum State. Nonetheless, the high percentages
of H. pylori DNA detection in milk opened new avenues
toward exploring the risk of human infection with H. pylori
through the consumption of raw milk.
Keywords: bovine, Helicobacter pylori,
Khartoum, milk, Nested polymerase chain reaction, glmM gene
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