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Genetic polymorphisms within exon 3 of heat shock protein 90AA1
gene and its association with heat tolerance traits in Sahiwal
cows -
Rakesh Kumar, I. D.
Gupta, Archana Verma, Nishant Verma and M. R. Vineeth
Veterinary World, 8(7): 932-936

Division of Dairy Cattle Breeding, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
I. D.
Division of Dairy Cattle Breeding, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
Division of Dairy Cattle Breeding, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
Division of Dairy Cattle Breeding, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
M. R.
Vineeth: Division of Dairy Cattle Breeding, Indian Council of
Agricultural Research-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
25-05-2015, Revised: 24-06-2015, Accepted: 02-07-2015, Published
online: 31-07-2015
Corresponding author:
I. D. Gupta, e-mail:
Kumar R, Gupta ID,
Verma A, Verma N, Vineeth MR (2015) Genetic polymorphisms within
exon 3 of heat shock protein 90AA1 gene and its association
with heat tolerance traits in Sahiwal cows, Veterinary World 8(7):
The present study was undertaken
to identify novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in Exon 3
of HSP90AA1 gene and to analyze their association with
respiration rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) in Sahiwal cows.
Materials and Methods:
The present study was carried
out in Sahiwal cows (n=100) with the objectives to identify novel
SNP in exon 3 of HSP90AA1 gene and to explore the
association with heat tolerance traits. CLUSTAL-W multiple
sequence analysis was used to identify novel SNPs in exon 3 of
HSP90AA1 gene in Sahiwal cows. Gene and genotype frequencies
of different genotypes were estimated by standard procedure
POPGENE version 1.32 (University of Alberta, Canada). The
significant effect of SNP variants on physiological parameters,
e.g. RR and RT were analyzed using the General Linear model
procedure of SAS Version 9.2.
The polymerase chain reaction
product with the amplicon size of 450 bp was successfully
amplified, covering exon 3 region of HSP90AA1 gene in
Sahiwal cows. On the basis of comparative sequence analysis of
Sahiwal samples (n=100), transitional mutations were detected at
locus A1209G as compared to
Bos taurus
(NCBI GenBank AC_000178.1). After
chromatogram analysis, three genotypes AA, AG, and GG with
respective frequencies of 0.23, 0.50, and 0.27 ascertained. RR and
RT were recorded once during probable extreme hours in winter,
spring, and summer seasons. It was revealed that significant
difference (p<0.01) among genetic variants of HSP90AA1 gene
with heat tolerance trait was found in Sahiwal cattle. The
homozygotic animals with AA genotype had lower heat tolerance
coefficient (HTC) (1.78±0.04a),
as compared to both AG and GG genotypes (1.85±0.03b
and 1.91±0.02c),
respectively. The gene and genotype frequencies for the locus
A1209G were ascertained.
Novel SNP was found at the A1209G
position showed all possible three genotypes (homozygous and
heterozygous). Temperature humidity index has a highly significant
association with RR, RT, and HTC in all the seasons. Perusal of
results across different seasons showed the significant (p<0.01)
difference in RR, RT, and HTC among winter, spring, and summer
seasons. Genetic association with heat tolerance traits reveals
their importance as a potential genetic marker for heat tolerance
traits in Sahiwal cows.
stress, heat tolerance coefficient, HSP90AA1,
polymorphisms, Sahiwal cattle.
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