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Microsatellite DNA typing for assessment of
genetic variability in Marwari breed of Indian goat -
Anoop Singh Yadav, Kritika Gahlot, Gyan Chand Gahlot, Mohd Asraf
and Mohan Lal Yadav
Veterinary World, 8(7): 848-854

Singh Yadav:
Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, College of Veterinary &
Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary &
Science, Bikaner - 334 003, Rajasthan, India;
Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, College of Veterinary &
Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary &
Science, Bikaner - 334 003, Rajasthan, India;
Chand Gahlot:
Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, College of Veterinary &
Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary &
Science, Bikaner - 334 003, Rajasthan, India;
Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, College of Veterinary &
Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary &
Science, Bikaner - 334 003, Rajasthan, India;
Lal Yadav: Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, College
of Veterinary & Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary
Science, Bikaner - 334 003, Rajasthan, India;
13-01-2015, Revised: 06-06-2015, Accepted: 12-06-2015, Published
online: 12-07-2015
Corresponding author:
Gyan Chand Gahlot, e-mail:
Yadav AS, Gahlot K,
Gahlot GC, Asraf M, Yadav ML (2015) Microsatellite DNA typing for
assessment of genetic variability in Marwari breed of Indian goat,
Veterinary World 8(7): 848-854.
To estimate existing
within-breed genetic variability in Marwari goats under field
conditions and the generated data that can be used to determine
genetic relationships with other breed of goats.
Materials and Methods: A total
of 146 blood samples of goats of Marwari breed were randomly
collected from genetically unrelated animals from different
villages of Bikaner Districts of Rajasthan, India. Genomic DNA was
extracted from whole blood using proteinase K-digestion followed
by standard phenol–chloroform extraction procedure at room
temperature and confirmed through horizontal electrophoresis on
0.8% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide. Fifteen caprine
microsatellite markers were used to estimate genetic variability
among the goats of Marwari breed in terms of allelic and genotype
frequencies, heterozygosities and polymorphism information content
(PIC) value.
Results: A
total of 74 alleles were contributed by Marwari goat across all 15
microsatellite loci. The number of alleles per locus varied from
two (ILSTS-087) to 9 (ILSTS-058) alleles, with a mean of 4.93
whereas the effective number of allele varied from 1.35
(ILSTS-005) to 3.129 (ILSTS011) with a mean of 2.36. The effective
number of allele is lesser than observed number at all the loci.
Allelic sizes ranged from 125 bp (ILSTS-028 and ILSTS-033) to 650
bp (ILSTS-011 and ILSTS-019). The expected heterozygosity ranged
from 0.240 (locus ILSTS-005) to 0.681 (locus ILSTS-011), with an
average value of 0.544. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged
from 0.1428 (locus ILSTS-087) to 0.9285 (locus ILSTS-034), with an
average value of 0.5485 indicates substantial and very good number
of heterozygotes, in the population. The highest PIC value
(1.1886) was observed at ILSTS-044 locus and least (0.0768) at
ILSTS-065 locus for Marwari goat.
Conclusion: Microsatellite
analysis revealed a high level of polymorphism across studied
microsatellite markers and informativeness of the markers for
genetic diversity analysis studies in Marwari goats. This high
level of polymorphism can be utilized to plan future biodiversity
studies to exploit the uniqueness and adaptability of this breed
to Western Rajasthan. Most studied microsatellite markers proving
to be good candidates for genetic characterization and diversity
analysis of this breed of goat.
allelic frequency, heterozygosity, Marwari goats, microsatellite
marker, polymorphism information content.
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