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Sexual behavior and its relationship with
semen quality parameters in Sahiwal breeding bulls -
Shushant Singh, M. Bhakat, T. K. Mohanty, A. Kumar, A. K. Gupta,
A. K. Chakravarty and P. Singh
Veterinary World, 8(6): 745-749

Shushant Singh:
Artificial Breeding Research Centre, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
Livestock and Production Management Division, National Dairy
Research Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
T. K.
Artificial Breeding Research Centre, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
Artificial Breeding Research Centre, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
A. K.
Artificial Breeding Research Centre, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
A. K.
Artificial Breeding Research Centre, National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
Singh: Artificial Breeding Research Centre, National Dairy
Research Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India;
31-01-2015, Revised: 09-05-2015, Accepted: 16-05-2015, Published
online: 18-06-2015
Corresponding author:
Shushant Singh, e-mail:
Singh S, Bhakat M,
Mohanty TK, Kumar A, Gupta AK, Chakravarty AK, Singh P (2015)
Sexual behavior and its relationship with semen quality parameters
in Sahiwal breeding bulls, Veterinary World 8(6): 745-749.
The study was conducted at Artificial Breeding Research
Centre, NDRI, Karnal, to determine the sexual behavior and its
relationship with semen quality parameters in Sahiwal breeding
Materials and Methods: A total of 63 ejaculates were
collected from six adult Sahiwal bulls (age ~47 mo and bwt ~466
kg), to study the relationship of sexual behavior and semen
quality. The degree of association between different variables was
estimated by Pearson’s correlation coefficient method.
Results: The results depicted that, sexual aggressiveness
showed significantly high positive correlation with libido score
(LS) and sexual behavior score (SBS). Reaction time (RT) and total
time taken in mounts (TTTM) had a significant negative correlation
with LS and SBS. Penile erection score and penile protrusion score
(PPS) both had a significant positive correlation with ejaculatory
thrust score, mating ability score, and SBS. Results of
correlation among seminal attributes and with sexual behavior
depicted that ejaculate volume had positive significant
correlation with initial progressive motility (IPM), sperm
concentration (SCON), head abnormality, total abnormality,
hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST), acrosomal integrity (AI)
whereas, mass activity had positive significant correlation with
IPM, SCON, non-eosinophilic spermatozoa count (NESC), HOST, AI, RT
and TTTM and IPM had positive significant correlation with SCON,
NESC, HOST, AI, and TTTM, whereas and HOST had positive
significant correlation with AI. Among seminal attributes, SCON
had a positive significant correlation with PPS where as head
abnormalities had a positive significant correlation with RT and
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the relationship of
sexual behavior and semen quality parameters are reflecting that
the sexual behavior of individual bulls is important to harvest
good quality and quantity of semen as desired type of sexual
preparation can be provided.
Keywords: correlation, Sahiwal bulls, semen
quality, sexual behavior.
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