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Ethnoecological knowledge of ticks and
treatment of tick-borne diseases among Maasai people in Northern
Tanzania - John Kioko, Julia Baker, Avery Shannon and
Christian Kiffner
Veterinary World, 8(6): 755-762

Kioko: Center For
Wildlife Management Studies, School for Field Studies, P.O. Box
304, Karatu, Tanzania;
Julia Baker:
Biochemistry Program, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA;
Avery Shannon:
Department of Biology, University of Richmond, Virginia, USA;
Christian Kiffner: Center For Wildlife Management Studies,
School for Field Studies, P.O. Box 304, Karatu, Tanzania;
Received: 28-02-2015, Revised: 09-05-2015, Accepted: 17-05-2015,
Published Online: 20-06-2015
Corresponding author:
John Kioko, e-mail:
Kioko J, Baker J,
Shannon A, Kiffner C (2015) Ethnoecological knowledge of ticks and
treatment of tick-borne diseases among Maasai people in Northern
Tanzania, Veterinary World 8(6):755-762.
The aim of this study was to understand traditional knowledge
of tick ecology and remedies for tick-borne diseases (TBDs) among
the Maasai people in northern Tanzania.
Materials and Methods: Semi-structured interviews were
conducted among specific groups likely to be knowledgeable about
tick ecology and TBDs in livestock among the Maasai people.
Results: A total of 25 plant species belonging to 18 families
were used to treat 8 different TBDs of livestock. Most of the
plant species used were of Fabaceae and Burseraceae
families. Aloe volkensii, Cissus grandifolia, and
Terminalia brownii were the most commonly used plant species.
The major plant growth form used was trees, while stems and bark
were the main plant parts used. Most treatments were taken orally.
Conclusion: Maasai people have substantial knowledge on tick
ecology exemplified by their ability to differentiate between
different tick species and the range of remedies for each of the
TBDs. Because traditional ethnoveterinary remedies are frequently
utilized, their effectiveness should be further investigated.
Keywords: ethnoveterinary medicine, Maasai,
Tanzania, tick-borne diseases, tick ecology.
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