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(Published online: 26-03-2015)
Prevalence of common canine digestive
problems compared with other health problems in teaching
veterinary hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
University, Egypt - Gamal M. H. Rakha, Mounir M.
Abdl-Haleem, Haithem A. M. Farghali and Hitham Abdel-Saeed
Veterinary World, 8(3): 403-411

M. H. Rakha:
Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt;
M. Abdl-Haleem:
Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt;
A. M. Farghali:
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt;
Abdel-Saeed: Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious
Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza,
03-11-2014, Revised: 11-02-2015, Accepted: 17-02-2015, Published
online: 26-03-2015
Corresponding author:
Hitham Abdel-Saeed, e-mail:
Rakha GM, Abdl-Haleem
MM, Farghali HA, Abdel-Saeed H (2015) Prevalence of common canine
digestive problems compared with other health problems at teaching
veterinary hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
University, Egypt, Veterinary World 8(3): 403-411.
The present study was conducted to ascertain the prevalence of
common digestive problems compared to other health problems among
dogs that were admitted to the teaching veterinary hospital,
faculty of veterinary medicine, Cairo University, Egypt during 1
year period from January to December 2013. Also, study the effect
of age, sex, breeds, and season on the distribution of digestive
problems in dogs.
Materials and Methods: A total of 3864 dogs included 1488
apparently healthy (included 816 males and 672 females) and 2376
diseased dogs (included 1542 males and 834 females) were
registered for age, sex, breed, and the main complaint from their
owners. A complete history and detailed clinical examination of
each case were applied to the aids of radiographic,
ultrasonographic, and endoscopic examination tools. Fecal
examination was applied for each admitted case. Rapid tests for
parvovirus and canine distemper virus detection were also
Results: A five digestive problems were commonly recorded
including vomiting, diarrhea, concurrent vomiting with diarrhea,
anorexia, and constipation with a prevalence (%) of 13.6, 19.1,
10.1, 13.1, and 0.5 respectively while that of dermatological,
respiratory, urinary, neurological, cardiovascular, auditory, and
ocular problems was 27.9, 10.5, 3.3, 0.84, 0.4, 0.25, and 0.17 (%)
respectively. This prevalence was obtained on the basis of the
diseased cases. Age and breed had a significant effect on the
distribution of digestive problems in dogs (p<0.001). Gender had
an effect on the distribution of digestive problems with
significant (p ≤0.01)
while season had a non-significant effect (p>0.05) on the
distribution of such problems.
Conclusion: Digestive problems were the highest recorded
problems among dogs, and this was the first records for such
problems among dogs in Egypt. Age, gender, and breeds had a
significant effect on the distribution of the digestive problems
in dogs while season had a non-significant effect on the
distribution of such problems. The present data enable
veterinarians in Egypt to ascertain their needs for diagnostic
tools and medication that must be present at any pet clinic.
Key words: canine, causes, digestive
problems, Egypt, prevalence.
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