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metabolic and minerals profile in norgestomet primed postpartum
anestrous surti buffaloes
C. Parmar, C. T. Khasatiya, J. K. Chaudhary, R. V. Patel and H. B.
Veterinary World, 8(5): 625-630

Sanjay C. Parmar:
Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India;
C. T. Khasatiya:
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Navsari
Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India;
J. K. Chaudhary: Sumul
Animal Breeding Centre, Surat, Gujarat, India;
R. V. Patel: Sabarmati
Ashram Gaushala, Bidaj Farm, Kheda, Gujarat, India;
H. B. Dhamsaniya:
Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala, Bidaj Farm, Kheda, Gujarat, India;
12-04-2015, Accepted:
18-04-2015, Published
Corresponding author:
Sanjay C. Parmar, e-mail:
SC, Khasatiya CT, Chaudhary JK, Patel RV, Dhamsaniya HB (2015)
Serum metabolic and minerals profile in norgestomet primed
postpartum anestrous surti buffaloes, Veterinary World 8(5):625-630.
Aim: The study was
undertaken to find out the serum metabolic and minerals profile in
postpartum anestrous surti buffaloes treated with norgestomet ear
implants alone and in combination with pregnant mare serum
gonadotropin (PMSG).
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 18
postpartum anestrous Surti buffaloes divided into three groups of
six animals each at random to conduct the experiment. The
buffaloes in Group-I and Group-II were implanted with Crestar ear
implant for 9 days together with 2 ml injection of Crestar
solution given i/m on the day of the implant insertion. In
Group-II, additionally 500 IU PMSG was given i/m on the day of
implant removal, whereas the buffaloes in Group-III served as
anestrous control group and received 5 ml Normal Saline i/m on day
0 and 9 as a placebo treatment.
Results: The overall serum total protein values did not differ
significantly (p > 0.05) between time (days) intervals in any of
the groups. The mean serum total cholesterol levels at 10 th
day and on the day of estrus
were found significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the control group as
compared to treatment Groups I and II. However, there was no
significant difference (p > 0.05) at 10th
day and on the day of estrus
between treatment groups (T1 and T2). The overall mean serum
cobalt, zinc, iron, and manganese values did not differ
significantly (p > 0.05) between different time intervals among
any of the groups, except copper which was significantly lower (p
< 0.05) at 10th
day in control group as compared to
treatment groups.
Conclusion: Microelements cannot be synthesized in the body.
Hence, it is concluded that the mineral mixture should be supplied
daily in the animals ration to suffice the requirement of the
trace elements. The mean serum metabolic and micro-minerals
profiles in treatment and control groups revealed that overall
mean serum total protein, cholesterol, copper, and zinc levels
were apparently higher in treatment groups whereas, mean serum
cobalt, iron, and manganese concentration had no consistent trend
between treatment and control groups of Surti buffaloes.
Keywords: anestrous, buffaloes, cholesterol, micro-minerals,
norgestomet, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin, protein.
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