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Ethnoveterinary medicinal plants: Preparation and application
methods by traditional healers in selected districts of southern
Gebremedhin Romha Eshetu, Tewedros Ayalew Dejene, Lidet Befkadu
Telila and Daniel Fekadu Bekele
Veterinary World, 8(5): 674-684

Gebremedhin Romha Eshetu:
Department of Animal and Range Science, College of Agriculture
and Natural Resource, Dilla University, P.O. Box 419, Dilla,
Tewedros Ayalew Dejene:
Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture and
Natural Resource, Dilla University, P.O. Box 419, Dilla, Ethiopia;
Lidet Befkadu Telila:
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Natural
Resource, Dilla University, P.O. Box 419, Dilla, Ethiopia;
Daniel Fekadu Bekele:
Institute of Indigenous Studies, Dilla University, P.O. Box 419,
Dilla, Ethiopia;
14-04-2015, Accepted:
22-04-2015, Published
Corresponding author:
Gebremedhin Romha Eshetu, e-mail:
G, Dejene TA, Telila LB, Bekele DF (2015) Ethnoveterinary
medicinal plants: Preparation and application methods by
traditional healers in selected districts of southern Ethiopia,
Veterinary World 8(5):674-684.
Aim: The aim was to document
the ethnoveterinary medicinal plants, their preparation, and
application methods used by traditional healers in treating
different animal diseases, in four districts with different
culture and languages in southern Ethiopia.
Materials and Methods: Information of ethnoveterinary
medicinal plants was obtained through in-depth direct interview
with the local healers and field observations. A descriptive
statistics was used to analyze the reported ethnoveterinary
medicinal plants and associated indigenous knowledge. The
informant consensus factor (ICF) was calculated for each category
of diseases to identify the agreements of the informants on the
reported cures. Preference ranking was used to assess the degree
of effectiveness of certain medicinal plants against most
prevalent animal diseases in the area.
Results: The healers had a very high intention to keep their
traditional knowledge secrete and none of them was ready to
transfer their knowledge either freely or on incentive bases to
other people; they need to convey their knowledge only to their
selected scions after getting very old. A total of 49 plant
species used to treat 26 animal ailments were botanically
classified and distributed into 34 families. The most commonly
used plant parts for remedy preparations were leaves (38.8%),
followed by whole roots (20.4%). Calpurnia aurea (Ait.)
Benth was the most preferred effective treatment against external
parasite and skin problem, which is the most prevalent disease
with the highest ICF (0.68).
Conclusion: The study suggests that the community of the study
districts depend largely on ethnoveterinary medicinal plants for
the treatment of different animal ailments though the healers have
a very high intention to keep their traditional knowledge secrete.
Commonly reported plant species need to be tested for their
antimicrobial activities in vitro and validated their
active ingredients in order to recommend effective preparations
and treatments to this community.
Keywords: animal ailments, ethnoveterinary medicinal plants,
indigenous knowledge, traditional healers.
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