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A comparative study on the blood and milk
cell counts of healthy, subclinical and clinical mastitis Karan
Fries cows - Mohanned Alhussien, Mandheer Kaur,
Pasumarti Manjari, Shiv Prasad Kimothi, Ashok K. Mohanty and Ajay
K. Dang
Veterinary World, 8(5): 685-689
Mohanned Alhussien:
Division of Dairy
Cattle Physiology, Lactation and Immunophysiology Laboratory,
National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal -
132 001, Haryana, India;
Mandheer Kaur:
Division of Dairy Cattle Physiology, Lactation and
Immunophysiology Laboratory, National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal -
132 001, Haryana, India;
Pasumarti Manjari:
Division of Dairy
Cattle Physiology, Lactation and Immunophysiology Laboratory,
National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal -
132 001, Haryana, India;
Prasad Kimothi:
Division of Dairy Cattle Physiology, Lactation and
Immunophysiology Laboratory, National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal -
132 001, Haryana, India;
K. Mohanty:
Division of Dairy Cattle Physiology, Lactation and
Immunophysiology Laboratory, National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal -
132 001, Haryana, India;
Ajay K.
Dang: Division of Dairy Cattle Physiology, Lactation and
Immunophysiology Laboratory, National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal -
132 001, Haryana, India;
06-01-2015, Revised: 14-04-2015, Accepted: 22-04-2015, Published
online: 29-05-2015
Corresponding author:
Mohanned Alhussein,
Alhussien M, Kaur M,
Manjari P, Kimothi SP, Mohanty AK, Dang AK (2015) A comparative
study on the blood and milk cell counts of healthy, subclinical
and clinical mastitis Karan Fries cows, Veterinary World 8(5):685-689.
The present study was aimed to study the use of cell counts as
an early indicator of mammary health.
Materials and Methods: Milk and blood cell counts were
estimated from 8 healthy, 8 subclinical (SCM), and 8 clinically
mastitis (CM) groups of Karan Fries (KF) cows.
Results: Total leucocyte counts and neutrophil percent in
blood and milk somatic cells and milk neutrophil percent of
healthy cows increased significantly (p<0.05) in SCM cows and CM
cows. Viability of blood and milk neutrophils was more in healthy
cows, but decreased significantly (p<0.05) in SCM and CM cows.
Significant (p<0.05) decrease were also observed in both the blood
and milk lymphocytes and monocytes of SCM and CM cows. Phagocytic
activity (PA) of blood neutrophils also decreased significantly
(p<0.05) in SCM cows. There was no difference between the PA of
SCM and CM cows. Milk neutrophil percent was more in the SCM and
clinically infected milk than in the blood of these cows. About
96-97% of the neutrophils had segmented nucleus in both healthy
and subclinical milk, whereas, 2-3% were having band shaped or
immature nuclei. There was a significant decrease in the segmented
neutrophils, whereas, band neutrophils increase significantly to
about 5% in the infected milk of mastitic cows. Viability of the
milk neutrophils decreased more in case of subclinical and
clinical milk as compared to that of blood. PA was found to be
highest in the milk of healthy group of cows, but decreased
significantly (p<0.05) in subclinically infected cows. However,
there was no difference between the PA of milk neutrophils of SCM
and CM cows. PA of milk was also found to be significantly lower
in the milk of healthy cows when compared to that of blood
Conclusion: This study indicated that
percent neutrophils and their type in conjunction with milk
somatic cell counts can be used as a more reliable indicator of
mammary health in cows.
Keywords: blood, milk, cell counts, healthy,
mastitis, cows.
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