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(Published online:
10. Factors affecting
survivability of local Rohilkhand goats under organized farm
- D. Upadhyay, B. H. M. Patel, S. Sahu,
G. K. Gaur and M. Singh
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1215-1218

Livestock Production and Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly - 243 122,
Pradesh, India;
H. M. Patel:
Livestock Production and Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly - 243 122,
Pradesh, India;
Department of Livestock Production Management, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary &
Sciences, Hisar, Haryana, India;
K. Gaur:
Livestock Production and Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly - 243 122,
Pradesh, India;
Singh: Livestock Production and Management Section, Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly - 243 122,
Pradesh, India;
Received: 11-05-2015, Revised: 29-08-2015, Accepted: 07-09-2015,
Published online: 22-10-2015
Corresponding author:
D. Upadhyay, e-mail:
Upadhyay D, Patel BHM,
Sahu S, Gaur GK, Singh M (2015) Factors affecting survivability of
local Rohilkhand goats under organized farm, Veterinary World 8(10):
To study the pattern of mortality as affected by age, season
and various diseases in local goats of Rohilkhand region
maintained at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly.
Materials and Methods: Post-mortem records of 12 years
(2000-01 to 2011-12) were used, and total 243 mortality data were
collected and analyzed. The causes of mortality were classified
into seven major classes viz. digestive disorders,
respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disorders, musculoskeletal
disorder, parasitic disorders, mixed disorders (combination of
digestive, respiratory, parasitic, and cardiovascular disorders)
and miscellaneous disorders (cold, hypoglycemia, emaciation,
endometritis, traumatic injury, etc.).
Results: The average mortality was 10.93%. The overall
mortality was more during rainy season followed by winter and
summer season. The mortality in 4-6 months of age was high (2.52%)
followed by 0-1 month (2.34%) and 2-3 months (1.35%). The average
mortality among adult age groups (>12 months) was 3.42%. The
mortality showed declining trend with the advancement of age up to
3 months and then again increased in 4-6 months age group. The
digestive diseases (3.51%) followed by respiratory diseases
(1.89%) and parasitic diseases (1.48%) contributed major share to
the total mortality occurred and the remaining disorders were of
lesser significance in causing death in goats. There is
significant (p<0.01; χ 2=55.62) association
between year with season and age with the season (p<0.05, χ2=16.083)
found in the present study.
Conclusion: This study confirms that overall mortality rate
averaged 10.93% (ranged between 1.10% and 25.56%) over 12 years
under semi-intensive farm condition. It was generally higher in
rainy season. The mortality remains higher in kids particularly
under 1 month of age. The digestive diseases contributed major
share to overall mortality.
Keywords: digestive disease, goat,
mortality, Rohilkhand.
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