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(Published online:
12. Clinical and hemato-biochemical
studies on fever of unknown origin in buffaloes -
Parmod Kumar, V. K. Jain, Ankit Kumar,
Neelesh Sindhu, Tarun Kumar, Gaurav Charaya, Surbhi, Sandeep
Kumar, Divya Agnihotri and Sridhar
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1225-1229

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
V. K.
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Lala Lajpat Rai University
of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Lala Lajpat Rai University
of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, Lala Lajpat
Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004,
Haryana, India;
Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, Lala Lajpat
Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004,
Haryana, India;
Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Lala Lajpat Rai University
of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar - 125 004, Haryana, India;
25-06-2015, Revised: 01-09-2015, Accepted: 10-09-2015, Published
online: 23-10-2015
Corresponding author:
V. K. Jain, e-mail:
Kumar P, Jain VK,
Kumar A, Sindhu N, Kumar T, Charaya G, Surbhi, Kumar S, Agnihotri
D, Sridhar (2015) Clinical and hemato-biochemical studies on fever
of unknown origin in buffaloes, Veterinary World 8(10):
The present study was undertaken to ascertain the clinical
observation and haemato-biochemical studies on fever of unknown
origin (FUO) in buffaloes which were presented for treatment at
the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC), Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (LUVAS), Hisar.
Materials and Methods: The investigation was conducted on
total 106 clinical cases presented at “TVCC, LUVAS, Hisar.”
Diseased animals having history of fever and increased rectal
temperature were considered for the current study. Diagnosis of
FUO was done on the basis of negative parasitological examination,
culture examination, fecal and urine test. The cases in which
etiology could not be established (such as pneumonia, metritis,
traumatic reticuloperitonitis, urinary tract infection,
trypanosomosis, diaphragmatic hernia, Brucellosis, and foreign
body) were considered as true cases of FUO.
Out of 106 clinical cases different etiologies were identified
in 76 (71.70%) cases including pneumonia, traumatic pericarditis,
trypanosomosis, bacteremia, etc. and 30 cases (28.30%) remained
undiagnosed even after detailed investigation. The mean rectal
temperature (104.43±0.16°F), respiration rate (56.57±1.51/min) and
pulse rate (83.40±1.77/min) of animals (n=30) suffering from FUO
were significantly higher, whereas ruminal movement (1.00±0.23)
was significantly lower compared to healthy control group. The
mean value of hemoglobin, lymphocytes, and packed cell volume were
significantly lower, whereas mean value of neutrophils was
significantly higher compared to that of healthy control animals.
Mean value of serum levels of glucose, phosphorus, aspartate
aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatine
phosphokinase (CPK), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine
were found to be significantly higher, whereas mean value of
calcium value was significantly lower in all clinically affected
animals compared to the healthy control group.
Conclusion: About 28.30% cases of fever in
buffaloes were found to be of unknown origin. Haemato-biochemical
findings in cases of FUO in buffaloes revealed relative
neutrophilia with lymphopenia, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia,
hyperphosphatemia, significantly increased AST, ALT, and CPK along
with adversely altered kidney function indicators (elevated BUN
and serum creatinine).
Keywords: biochemical parameters, buffaloes,
clinical observation, fever of unknown origin haematology.
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