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14. A study on the prevalence of Aeromonas spp.
and its enterotoxin genes in
samples of well water, tap water, and bottled water -
Hareesh Didugu, Madhavarao Thirtham,
Krishnaiah Nelapati, K Kondal Reddy, Baba Saheb Kumbhar, Anusha
Poluru and Guruvishnu Pothanaboyina
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1237-1242

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh,
Madhavarao Thirtham:
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, College
of Veterinary Science, Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh, India;
Krishnaiah Nelapati:
Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary
Science, Rajendranagar, Telangana, India;
Kondal Reddy:
Department of Livestock Products Technology, Sri P.V. Narsimha Rao
Telangana State University for Veterinary, Animal and Fishery
Sciences, Rajendranagar, Telangana, India;
Saheb Kumbhar:
Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary
Science, Rajendranagar, Telangana, India;
Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary
Science, Rajendranagar, Telangana, India;
Guruvishnu Pothanaboyina: Department of Animal Genetics and
Breeding, College of Veterinary Science, Proddatur, Andhra
Pradesh, India;
Received: 07-07-2015, Revised: 11-09-2015, Accepted:
18-09-2015, Published online: 28-10-2015
Corresponding author:
Hareesh Didugu, e-mail:
Didugu H, Thirtham M,
Nelapati K, Reddy KK, Kumbhar BS, Poluru A, Pothanaboyina G (2015)
A study on the prevalence of Aeromonas spp. and its
enterotoxin genes in samples of well water, tap water, and bottled
water, Veterinary World 8(10): 1237-1242.
The aim of this work was to study the prevalence of
Aeromonas spp. and its enterotoxin genes in various water
Materials and Methods: 125 samples (50 from well water, 50
from tap water, and 25 from bottled water) were collected from
various sources in and around Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation and examined for the presence of aeromonads by both
cultural and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. Alkaline
peptone water with ampicillin was used as enrichment. Aeromonas
isolation medium and ampicillin dextrin agar were used as
selective media. The boiling and snap chilling method was used for
DNA extraction. Primers targeted against 16S rRNA, aer, and
ast were used to identify aeromonads and its enterotoxins.
Results: 48%, 18%, and 12% of well water, tap water, and
bottled water samples were found positive by cultural assay with
an overall prevalence of 28.8%. Aeromonads were detected in 32 %
(52% in well water, 20% in tap water, and 16% in bottled water) of
samples by PCR assay. Aerolysin (aer) gene was noticed in
34.6%, 20%, and 0% of well water, tap water, and bottled water
samples, respectively, with an overall prevalence of 27.5%.
Thermostable cytotonic enterotoxin (ast) was observed in
37.5% (42.3% in well water, 30% in tap water, and 25% in bottled
mineral water) of samples.
Conclusions: Presence of aeromonads and its toxin genes in
various sources of water is of public health concern and
emphasizes the need for necessary preventive measures to tackle
the problem.
Keywords: Aeromonas spp.,
enterotoxins, polymerase chain reaction, prevalence, water.
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