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(Published online:
16. Application of hyaluronic
acid in the healing of non-experimental open wounds: A pilot study
on 12 wounds in 10 client-owned dogs -
Roberta Ferrari, Patrizia Boracchi, Stefano
Romussi, Giuliano Ravasio and Damiano Stefanello
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1247-1259

Roberta Ferrari:
Department of Veterinary Science and Public Health, University of
Milan, Milan, Italy;
Patrizia Boracchi:
Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University
of Milan, Milan, Italy;
Stefano Romussi:
Department of Veterinary Science and Public Health, University of
Milan, Milan, Italy;
Giuliano Ravasio:
Department of Veterinary Science and Public Health, University of
Milan, Milan, Italy;
Damiano Stefanello: Department of Veterinary Science and
Public Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy;
Received: 01-07-2015, Revised: 14-09-2015, Accepted:
23-09-2015, Published online: 28-10-2015
Corresponding author:
Roberta Ferrari, e-mail:
Ferrari R, Boracchi P,
Romussi S, Ravasio G, Stefanello D (2015) Application of
hyaluronic acid in the healing of non-experimental o pen wounds: A
pilot study on 12 wounds in 10 client-owned dogs, Veterinary
World 8(10): 1247-1259.
Veterinarians have frequently to deal with wounds to the skin,
subcutis, and underlying muscle. The aim was to explore the
application of hyaluronic acid (HA)-containing dressing on open
skin wounds in dogs. The progress of healing was assessed by wound
area reduction and two scoring scales applied in human medicine.
Materials and Methods: Ten client-owned dogs with 12 cutaneous
open wounds healed by the second intention were included. All
wounds were treated using available in commerce HA-containing
wound dressing from admission to complete re-epithelialization. At
every clinical examination, wound area and scale scoring
assessments were performed.
Results: After debridement, an increased
wound size was obtained while an improvement was determined by
both grading systems. The median numbers of return to the clinic
for bandage change were 5 times. The median time to complete wound
healing was 34.5 days. The mean wound area at day 7, 14, 21, and
28 were, respectively, 90.4%, 47.7%, 22.4%, and 14.8% of the
original size (for linear measurement) and 95.5%, 54.4%, 23.10%,
and 14.8% of the original size (for software measurement).
Regarding wound healing assessment tools, the agreement between
two operators was considered high for both scales.
Conclusions: HA-containing dressing may be a possible wound
treatment for cutaneous open wounds in dogs. The assessment of
wound quality using scale scoring system could be useful
especially in the 1 st week and to direct
clinical decision-making process.
Keywords: advance wound dressing, canine,
wound assessment.
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