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Evaluation of Spirulina platensis
extract as natural antivirus against foot and mouth disease virus
strains (A, O, SAT2) -
Hind M. Daoud and Eman
M. Soliman
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1260-1265

Hind M. Daoud:
Department of Foot and Mouth, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt;
Eman M. Soliman: Central Laboratory
for Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt;
Received: 22-05-2015, Revised:
05-09-2015, Accepted:
15-09-2015, Published:31-10-2015
Corresponding author:
Eman M. Soliman,
Daoud HM, Soliman EM
(2015) Evaluation of Spirulina platensis extract as natural
antivius against foot and mouth disease virus strains (A, O,
SAT2), Veterinary World 8(10): 1260-1265.
This work was aimed to document the antiviral activates of
Spirulina platensis extract against foot and mouth disease
virus (FMDV) different types to evaluate its replication in Baby
Hamster Kidney (BHK) cell culture and in baby mice.
Materials and Methods: Cytotoxicity assay studied for S.
platensis extract on BHK cells to determine the non-toxic
dose. The non-toxic dose of Spirulina extract was mixed with each
type of FMDV (A, O, SAT2). Then 10-fold dilutions from each
mixture were done. FMDV titer for each type of treated FMDV was
calculated to evaluate the antiviral activity of the Spirulina
extract against FMDV. Furthermore, old baby Swiss mice were
inoculated with 0.1 ml intraperitonially from the mixture of FMDV
different types and different concentration of Spirulina extracts.
After 48 h post inoculation, all the baby mice examined to
evaluate the antiviral action of Spirulina extract.
Results: The result showed that the non-toxic doses of S.
platensis (50 ug/ml) revealed 35.7%, 28.5%, and 31% reductions
in FMDV titers Type O, A, and SAT2 on BHK cells, respectively. The
same non-toxic dose gave 50% of the inhibitory concentration in
baby mice without cytotoxic effect.
Conclusion: This study confirmed the
biological activity of the ethanol extract of S. platensis
against FMDV Types O, A, and SAT2. From the results, S.
platensis could be useful as antiviral lead to limitation of
infection among animals during outbreaks but further studies need
to evaluate the S. platensis on experimental or natural
infected farm animals to establish the effective dose side
affected period of treatment of S. platensis.
Keywords: antiviral, foot and mouth disease
virus, Spirulina platensis.
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