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Assessment of semen quality in pure and
crossbred Jersey bulls - Umesh Kumar, Ajay P. Gawande,
Sunil K. Sahatpure, Manoj S. Patil, Chetan K. Lakde, Sachin W.
Bonde, Pradnyankur L. Borkar, Ajay J. Poharkar and Baldeo R.
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1266-1272

Umesh Kumar:
Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Nagpur
Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and
Sciences University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
P. Gawande:
Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Nagpur
Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and
Sciences University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
Sunil K. Sahatpure:
Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Nagpur
Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and
Sciences University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
Manoj S. Patil:
Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Nagpur
Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and
Sciences University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
Chetan K. Lakde:
Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Nagpur
Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and
Sciences University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
Sachin W. Bonde:
Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Nagpur Veterinary College,
Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India;
Pradnyankur L. Borkar:
Frozen Semen Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
J. Poharkar:
Frozen Semen Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;
Baldeo R. Ramteke: Frozen Semen Laboratory, Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India;
Received: 04-05-2015, Revised: 12-09-2015, Accepted: 21-09-2015,
Published online: 31-10-2015
Corresponding author:
Umesh Kumar, e-mail:
Kumar U, Gawande AP,
Sahatpure SK, Patil MS, Lakde CK, Bonde SW, Borkar PL, Poharkar AJ,
Ramteke BR (2015) Assessment of semen quality in pure and
crossbred Jersey bulls, Veterinary World 8(10): 1266-1272.
To compare the seminal attributes of neat, pre-freeze (at
equilibration), and post-freeze (24 h after freezing) semen in
pure and crossbred Jersey bulls.
Materials and Methods: Total 36 ejaculates (3 ejaculates from
each bull) were collected from 6 pure Jersey and 6 crossbred
Jersey bulls and evaluated for various seminal attributes during
neat, pre-freeze, and post-freeze semen.
Results: The mean (±standard error [SE])
values of neat semen characteristics in pure and crossbred Jersey
bulls were recorded such as volume (ml), color, consistency, mass
activity (scale: 0-5), and sperm concentration (millions/ml). The
extended semen was further investigated at pre-freeze and
post-freeze stages and the mean (±SE) values recorded at neat,
pre-freeze, and post-freeze semen were compared between pure and
crossbred Jersey bulls; sperm motility (80.55±1.70%, 62.77±1.35%,
46.11±1.43% vs. 80.00±1.80%, 65.00±1.66%, 47.22±1.08%), live sperm
count (83.63±1.08%, 71.72±1.09%, 58.67±1.02% vs. 80.00±1.08%,
67.91±1.20%, 51.63±0.97%), total abnormal sperm count (8.38±0.32%,
12.30±0.39%, 16.75±0.42% vs. 9.00±0.45%, 12.19±0.48%,
18.11±0.64%), hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) reacted spermatozoa
(71.88±0.77%, 62.05±0.80%, 47.27±1.05% vs. 72.77±1.02%,
62.11±0.89%, 45.94±1.33%), acrosome integrity (89.05±0.83%,
81.33±0.71%, 71.94±0.86% vs. 86.55±0.57%, 78.66±0.42%,
69.38±0.53%), and DNA integrity (99.88±0.07%, 100, 99.66±0.11% vs.
99.94±0.05%, 100, 99.44±0.18%,). The volume, color, consistency,
sperm concentration, and initial motility in pure and crossbred
Jersey bulls did not differ significantly (p>0.05). The mass
activity was significantly (p<0.05) higher in pure Jersey as
compare to crossbred Jersey bulls. Live sperm percentage and
acrosome integrity was significantly (p<0.01) higher in pure
Jersey bulls as compared to crossbred Jersey bulls. However, no
statistical difference (p>0.05) was observed in abnormal sperm;
HOS reacted spermatozoa and DNA integrity percentage among breeds.
Conclusion: It may be concluded that the quality of pure
Jersey bull semen was comparatively better than the crossbred
Jersey bulls.
Keywords: acridine orange, acrosomal
integrity, crossbred Jersey, DNA integrity, Jersey, semen.
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