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3. Effect of incorporation
of walnut cake (Juglans regia) in concentrate mixture on
degradation of dry matter, organic matter and production of
microbial biomass in vitro in goat -
Mohsin Ahmad Mir, R. K. Sharma, Ankur Rastogi
and Keshab Barman
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1172-1176

Ahmad Mir:
Division of Animal Nutrition, Shere-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (J&K), India;
R. K.
Division of Animal Nutrition, Shere-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (J&K), India;
Division of Animal Nutrition, Shere-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (J&K), India;
Barman: Animal Nutrition Section, ICAR-NRC on Pig, Rani,
Guwahati, Assam, India;
Received: 08-04-2015, Revised: 29-08-2015, Accepted: 06-09-2015,
Published online: 09-10-2015
Corresponding author:
Mohsin Ahmad Mir, e-mail:
Mir MA, Sharma RK,
Rastogi A, Barman K (2015) Effect of incorporation of walnut cake
(Juglans regia) in concentrate mixture on degradation of
dry matter, organic matter and production of microbial biomass
in vitro in goat, Veterinary World 8(10): 1172-1176.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of
incorporation of different level of walnut cake in concentrate
mixture on in vitro dry matter degradation in order to
determine its level of supplementation in ruminant ration.
Materials and Methods: Walnut cake was used @ 0, 10, 15, 20,
25 and 30% level to formulate an iso-nitrogenous concentrate
mixtures and designated as T 1, T2,
T3, T4, T5
and T6 respectively. The
different formulae of concentrate mixtures were used for in
vitro gas production studies using goat rumen liquor with
wheat straw in 40:60 ratio. Proximate composition, fiber
fractionation and calcium and phosphrous content of walnut cake
were estimated.
The per cent IVDMD value of T1 and T2 diets was 68.42 ± 1.20
and 67.25 ± 1.37 respectively which was found highest (P<0.05) T3,
T4, T5 and T6. Similar trend was also found for TDOM and MBP.
Inclusion of walnut cake at 10% level in the concentrate mixture
does not affect in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD),
truly degradable organic matter (TDOM, mg/200 mg DM), total gas
production, microbial biomass production (MBP) and efficiency of
microbial biomass production (EMP).
Conclusion: It is concluded that walnut cake incorporation up
to 10% level in the iso -nitrogenous concentrate mixture has no
any negative effect on in vitro digestibility of dry matter (DM),
TDOM, MBP, EMP and total gas production in goat.
Keywords: concentrate mixture, goat, in
vitro dry matter digestibility, microbial biomass production,
truly degradable organic matter, walnut cake.
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