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Research (Published online: 09-10-2015)

4. Hemato-biochemical and pathological changes on avian influenza in naturally infected domestic ducks in Egypt - Essam A. Mahmoud

Veterinary World, 8(10): 1177-1182



   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2015.1177-1182


Essam A. Mahmoud: Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig City, Sharkia Province, Egypt;


Received: 22-05-2015, Revised: 29-08-2015, Accepted: 07-09-2015, Published online: 09-10-2015


Corresponding author: Essam A. Mahmoud, e-mail:

Citation: Mahmoud EA (2015) Hemato-biochemical and pathological changes on avian influenza in naturally infected domestic ducks in Egypt, Veterinary World 8(10): 1177-1182.

Aim: Few studies have been made in regard to avian influenza (AI) in ducks, thus the aim of this work was planned to investigate the hematological, biochemical, and pathological changes in domestic Egyptian ducks naturally infected with AI.

Materials and Methods: 30 duck from private backyards 3-month-old 15 were clinically healthy (Group 1) and the other fifteen (Group 2) were naturally diseased with AI (H5N1). The disease was diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction as H5N1.

Results: Duck showed cyanosis, subcutaneous edema of head and neck with nervous signs (torticollis). Hematological studies revealed a microcytic hypochromic anemia. Biochemical studies revealed a significant decrease in total protein, albumin and globulin concentration with significant increase of activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, Υ-glutamyl transpeptidase, lactic acid dehydrogenase and creatine phsphokinase. Prominent increase in creatinine and uric acid in addition to hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia were significantly detected in the infected ducks. Histopathological finding confirm these investigations.

Conclusion: The highly pathogenic AIV (A/H5N1) became more severe infectious to ducks than before and causes nervous manifestations and blindness which were uncommon in ducks. Besides the significant increases of hepatic enzymes, brain, heart, and renal markers as a response to virus damage to these organs.

Keywords: aminotranseferases, anemia, avian influenza, creatinine, ducks, uric acid.

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