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6. Comparative study on the
immunopotentiator effect of ISA 201, ISA 61, ISA 50, ISA 206 used
in trivalent foot and mouth disease vaccine -
Ehab El-Sayed Ibrahim, Wael Mossad Gamal, Amr
Ismail Hassan, Safy El-Din Mahdy, Akram Zakria Hegazy and Magdy
Mahmoud Abdel-Atty
Veterinary World, 8(10): 1189-1198

El-Sayed Ibrahim:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
Mossad Gamal:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
Ismail Hassan:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
El-Din Mahdy:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
Zakria Hegazy:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
Mahmoud Abdel-Atty: Department of Foot and Mouth Disease,
Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo,
Received: 14-05-2015, Revised: 29-08-2015, Accepted: 03-09-2015,
Published online: 15-10-2015
Corresponding author:
Ehab El-Sayed Ibrahim, e-mail:
Ibrahim EE, Gamal WM,
Hassan AI, Mahdy SE, Hegazy AZ, Abdel-Atty MM (2015) Comparative
study on the immunopotentiator effect of ISA 201, ISA 61, ISA 50,
ISA 206 used in trivalent foot and mouth disease vaccine,
Veterinary World 8(10): 1189-1198.
A comparison study was conducted to explore the best
internationally available adjuvant that could be used in
production of a highly potent foot and mouth disease (FMD)
vaccine, that could stimulate a strong immune response and
possibly give greater protection against FMD.
Materials and Methods: Four experimental batches of trivalent
FMD vaccine were prepared with different available oil adjuvants
which included Montanide ISA 201, 206, 61 and 50.
Results: The results indicated that vaccines emulsified using
Montanide ISA 201 and Montanide ISA 206 adjuvants elicited a
protective humoral immune response from the 2 nd
week postvaccination (WPV) as for ISA 201 with
serum neutralization test (SNT) and enzyme-linked immune sorbent
assay (ELISA) antibody titers of 1.62±0.047a
and 1.8±0.049a, 1.59±0.076a
and 1.836±0.077a, and
1.71±0.06b and 1.96±0.074b
for serotypes O, A, SAT2, respectively, and for ISA
206 at SNT and ELISA antibody titers of 1.5±0.082a
and 1.84±0.084a, 1.56±0.037a
and 1.818±0.052a, and
1.5±0.106a,b and 1.81±0.104a,b
for FMD virus serotypes O, A and SAT2,
respectively. For ISA 61 and ISA 50, the protective antibody titer
appeared in the 3rd WPV. In the ISA 61 FMD
vaccine, SNT and ELISA titer were 1.59±0.076a
and 1.9±0.094a, 1.53±0.056a
and 1.83±0.070a, and
1.5±0.082a and 1.84±0.094a
for serotypes O, A and SAT2, respectively, and in
the case of ISA 50 FMD vaccine, the SNT, and ELISA titer were
recorded for serotypes O, A and SAT2 respectively, 1.59±0.037a
and 1.8±0.030a, 1.68±0.056a,b
and 1.916±0.065a,b, and
1.65±0.082a and 1.9±0.09a.
On estimating the cellular immune response, the highest delta
optical density levels for ISA 201 (0.395-0.460) and ISA 206
(0.375-0.428) were observed on 14 and 21 days post vaccination (DPV)
respectively, while the highest levels of lymphoproliferation for
ISA 61 (0.375-0.455) and ISA 50 (0.411-0.430) were on 21 and 28
DPV, respectively.
Conclusion: The duration of immunity from Montanide ISA oils
(201, 206, 61 and 50) FMD vaccines is a long-lived immunity which
ranged between 32 and 38 weeks post vaccination but the Montanide
ISA 201 FMD vaccine is superior to the others in the rapid
cellular immune response of the vaccinated animals which showed
its highest level within 14 days post vaccination.
Keywords: cellular immunity, FMD Montanide
ISA vaccines, SNT, ELISA.
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