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(Published online:
11. Validation
of γ-radiation
and ultraviolet as a new inactivators for foot and mouth disease
virus in comparison with the traditional methods
El din Mahdy, Amr Ismail Hassanin, Wael Mossad Gamal El-Din, Ehab
El-Sayed Ibrahim, and Hiam Mohamed Fakhry
Veterinary World, 8(9): 1088-1098

Safy El din Mahdy:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, P. O. Box. 131, Cairo, Egypt;
Amr Ismail Hassanin:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, P. O. Box. 131, Cairo, Egypt;
Wael Mossad Gamal El-Din:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, P. O. Box. 131, Cairo, Egypt;
Ehab El-Sayed Ibrahim:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine
Research Institute, Abbasia, P. O. Box. 131, Cairo, Egypt;
Hiam Mohamed Fakhry: Department of
Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research
Institute, Abbasia, P. O. Box. 131, Cairo, Egypt;
07-05-2015, Revised: 09-08-2015, Accepted: 20-08-2015, Published
online: 19-09-2015
Corresponding author:
El-Sayed Ibrahim, e-mail:
SE, Hassanian AI, El-Din WMG, Ibrahim EE, Fakhry HM (2015)
Validation of γ-radiation and ultraviolet as a new inactivators
for foot and mouth disease virus in comparison with the
traditional methods, Veterinary World 8(9): 1088-1098.
Aim: The present work deals
with different methods for foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV)
inactivation for serotypes O/pan Asia, A/Iran05, and SAT-2/2012 by
heat, gamma radiation, and ultraviolet (UV) in comparison with the
traditional methods and their effects on the antigenicity of
viruses for production of inactivated vaccines.
Materials and Methods: FMDV types O/pan Asia, A/Iran05, and
SAT-2/2012 were propagated in baby hamster kidney 21 (BHK21) and
titrated then divided into five parts; the first part inactivated
with heat, the second part inactivated with gamma radiation, the
third part inactivated with UV light, the fourth part inactivated
with binary ethylamine, and the last part inactivated with
combination of binary ethylamine and formaldehyde (BEI+FA).
Evaluate the method of inactivation via inoculation in BHK21,
inoculation in suckling baby mice and complement fixation test
then formulate vaccine using different methods of inactivation
then applying the quality control tests to evaluate each
formulated vaccine.
Results: The effect of heat, gamma radiation, and UV on the
ability of replication of FMDV "O/pan Asia, A/Iran05, and
SAT-2/2012" was determined through BHK cell line passage. Each of
the 9 virus aliquots titer 108 TCID50
(3 for each strain) were exposed to 37, 57, and 77°C for 15, 30,
and 45 min. Similarly, another 15 aliquots (5 for each strain)
contain 1 mm depth of the exposed samples in petri-dish was
exposed to UV light (252.7 nm wavelength: One foot distance) for
15, 30, 45, 60, and 65 min. Different doses of gamma radiation
(10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 KGy) were applied in a
dose rate 0.551 Gy/s for each strain and repeated 6 times for each
dose. FMDV (O/pan Asia, A/Iran05, and SAT-2/2012) were inactivated
when exposed to heat ≥57°C for 15 min. The UV inactivation of FMDV
(O/pan Asia and SAT-2) was obtained within 60 min and 65 min for
type A/Iran05. The ideal dose for inactivation of FMDV (O/pan
Asia, A/Iran05, and SAT-2/2012) with gamma radiation were 55-60
and 45 kGy, respectively. Inactivation of FMDV with binary was 20,
24 and 16 hr for O/pan Asia, A/Iran05, and SAT-2/2012,
respectively while inactivation by (BEI+FA) was determined after
18, 19 and 11 hr for O/pan-Asia, A/Iran 05, and SAT-2/2012,
respectively. The antigenicity of control virus before
inactivation was 1/32, it was not changed after inactivation in
case of gamma radiation and (BEI+FA) and slightly decrease to 1/16
in case of binary and declined to 1/2, 1/4 in case of heat and UV
inactivation, respectively. The immune response induced by
inactivated FMD vaccines by gamma radiation and (BEI+FA) lasted to
9 months post-vaccination, while the binary only still up to 8
months post-vaccination but heat and UV-inactivated vaccines were
not effective.
Conclusion: Gamma radiation could be considered a good new
inactivator inducing the same results of inactivated vaccine by
binary with formaldehyde (BEI+FA).
Keywords: A/Iran05 and SAT-2/2012, binary, combination (BEI+FA),
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), foot and mouth disease
virus, gamma radiation, heat, inactivation, ISA201, O/pan Asia,
ultraviolet light, vaccine formulation, serum neutralization test.
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