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R esearch
(Published online:
18. Epidemiological
surveillance of capybaras and ticks on warning area for Brazilian
spotted fever - José Brites-Neto, Jardel Brasil and
Keila Maria Roncato Duarte
Veterinary World, 8(9): 1143-1149

Department of Epidemiological Surveillance, Secretariat of Health,
Americana, São Paulo, Brazil;
Jardel Brasil:
Department of Epidemiological Surveillance, Secretariat of Health,
Americana, São Paulo, Brazil;
Keila Maria Roncato Duarte: Department of Genetics and Animal
Reproduction, Institute of Animal Science, Nova Odessa, São Paulo,
Received: 05-03-2015, Revised: 19-08-2015, Accepted: 28-08-2015,
Published online: 30-09-2015
Corresponding author:
José Brites-Neto, e-mail:
Brites-Neto J, Brasil
J, Duarte KMR (2015) Epidemiological surveillance of capybaras and
ticks on warning area for Brazilian spotted fever, Veterinary
World 8(9):1143-1149.
The vulnerability of tropical developing countries to the
emerging disease constitutes a critical phenomenon in which the
invasion of wild niches by human hosts, contributes to expansion
of zoonotic diseases, such as the Brazilian spotted fever (BSF).
This study performed a diagnosis of species occurrence of their
hosts (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) and vectors (Amblyomma
sculptum and Amblyomma dubitatum) on the warning area
for this reemerging disease in Brazil.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in a warning
area for BSF in the city of Americana, São Paulo state. The
occurrence of capybaras was registered by use of binoculars and
GPS equipment and 24 acarological researches were performed
through 180 CO2 traps. Samples of adult ticks were dissected for
salivary glands removal, DNA extraction, and evaluation by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) being tested by initial gltA-PCR,
ompA-PCR, and Rickettsia bellii-specific PCR, with
the positive samples subjected to sequencing.
Results: Eleven clusters of capybaras (total of 71
individuals), were observed along the riparian of Ribeirão
Quilombo and 7,114 specimens of A. sculptum and 7,198
specimens of A. dubitatum were collected in this same area.
About 568 samples of adult ticks were dissected for salivary
glands removal, DNA extraction and evaluation by gltA-PCR,
with results of 1.94% (11/568) of positive samples. Results for
the initial gltA-PCR indicated none positive sample to
Rickettsia species into A. sculptum and 11 positive
samples to A. dubitatum. These samples were negative to the
ompA-PCR and positive to the Rickettsia bellii-specific
PCR protocol and subjected to DNA sequencing, whose result
indicated 100% similarity to Rickettsia bellii. The
distribution of tick species A. sculptum and A.
dubitatum was configured regarding to the biotic potential of
the riparian areas, measuring the risks for BSF in peri-urban
areas of Americana.
Conclusion: These results confirmed a status of
epidemiological warning with a strong association of the
amplifiers hosts of Rickettsia and tick vectors for the
transmission of BSF to humans in this region.
Keywords: acarological research,
Amblyomma dubitatum, Amblyomma sculptum,
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, riparian forests, Rickettsia spp.
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