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Analysis of reproductive traits of broiler
rabbits reared in sub-temperate climate of Kodai hills, Tamil
Nadu, India - S. Rajapandi, N. Ramanathan, R.
Pourouchottamane, A. K. Thiruvenkadan, V. Ramesh Saravana Kumar,
P. K. Pankaj and A.S. Rajendiran
Veterinary World, 8(9): 1045-1050

Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Gandhi Gram Rural
Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu,
Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Gandhi Gram Rural
Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu,
Southern Regional Research Centre, ICAR – CSWRI, Mannavanur,
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India;
A. K.
Department of Bio Statistics, Veterinary College & Research
Institute (TANUVAS), Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India;
Ramesh Saravana Kumar:
Department of Livestock Production Management, Veterinary College
& Research Institute (TANUVAS), Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India;
P. K.
Section of Transfer of Technology, ICAR – Central Research
Institute for Dryland Agriculture,Saidabad, Hyderabad,Telangana,
A. S.
Southern Regional Research Centre, ICAR – CSWRI, Mannavanur,
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India;
Received: 06-03-2015, Revised: 25-07-2015, Accepted: 04-08-2015,
Published online: 08-09-2015
Corresponding author:
S. Rajapandi, e-mail:
Rajapandi S,
Ramanathan N, Pourouchottamane R, Thiruvenkadan AK, Kumar VRS,
Pankaj PK, Rajendiran AS (2015) Analysis of reproductive traits of
b roiler rabbits reared in sub-temperate climate of Kodai hills,
Tamil Nadu, India, Veterinary World 8(8): 1045-1050.
The present study was carried
out at Institute Rabbit Farm of Southern Regional Research Centre,
Mannavanur, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India having sub-temperate
climate with winter temperature during night hours going below 0°C
with an objective of finding the influence of different factors
such as breed, year, season and parity on different reproductive
traits of broiler rabbits in order to come out with the best
strategies for improving the productivity.
Materials and Methods: A total
of 1793 records (946 White Giant and 847 Soviet Chinchilla) for
weight at mating (WM), weight at kindling (WK), gestation length
(GL), litter size at birth (LSB) and litter size at weaning (LSW),
litter weight at birth (LWB), and litter weight at weaning (LWW)
were collected in the period between 2000 and 2009 and the data
was analyzed using general linear model option of SAS 9.2.
Results: The overall mean GL,
WM, WK, LSB, LSW, LWB, and LWW were 31.68±0.04 days, 3.65±0.01 kg,
3.84±0.01 kg, 6.91±0.08, 5.49±0.09, 387.62±4.07 g, and 4.66±0.07
kg, respectively. The breed has significantly influenced GL, WK,
LSW, LWB, and LWW. The LSB, LSW, LWB, and LWW were 7.05±0.11,
5.76±0.13, 399.55±5.88 g, and 4.87±0.10 kg, respectively in White
Giant and corresponding values for Soviet Chinchilla were
6.78±0.11, 5.22±0.12, 375.91±5.64 g, and 4.46±0.09 kg,
respectively. The year of kindling had significantly affected all
the reproductive traits under study and is varying over different
years. The parity significantly influenced the WM, WK, and LWW.
The LWW increased from first (4.16±0.21 kg) to second parity
(4.86±0.19 kg) and remained in the same range from third parity
onward. WM was significantly higher in spring season (3.72±0.02)
than the animals in rainy (3.59±0.02) and winter season
(3.65±0.02). Better reproductive performance in terms of higher
LSB, LSW, LWB, and LWW as observed in the present study might be
due to conducive environmental conditions prevailing in the
Conclusion: The significant
effects of the non-genetic factors like year of kindling on all
reproductive traits, season, and parity on some of the traits in
rabbit breeds are indications that any future production
enhancement strategy must take into consideration the environment
by providing additional care, feed supplementation and better
shelter management to the rabbits, so that the full genetic
potential can be realized.
litter traits, parity, rabbit, reproductive performance, season,
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