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Serotypes, antimicrobial profiles, and public health significance
of Salmonella from camels slaughtered in Maiduguri central
abattoir, Nigeria -
Ibrahim A. Raufu,
Ismail A. Odetokun, Fatai S. Oladunni, Mohammed Adam, Ubaidat T.
Kolapo, Ganiu J. Akorede, Ibraheem M. Ghali, James A. Ameh and
Abdulganiyu Ambali
Veterinary World, 8(9): 1068-1072

A. Raufu:
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria;
A. Odetokun:
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria;
S. Oladunni:
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria;
Mohammed Adam:
Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria;
T. Kolapo:
Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology, University
of Ilorin, Nigeria;
J. Akorede:
Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, University
of Ilorin, Nigeria;
Ibraheem M. Ghali:
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria;
A. Ameh:
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University
of Abuja, Nigeria;
Abdulganiyu Ambali: Department of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria;
Received: 24-03-2015, Revised: 01-08-2015, Accepted: 12-08-2015,
Published online: 15-09-2015
Corresponding author:
Ibrahim A. Raufu, e-mail:
Raufu IA, Odetokuna
IA, Oladunni FS, Adam M, Kolapo UT, Akorede GJ, Ghali IM, Ameh JA,
Ambali A (2015) Serotypes, antimicrobial profiles and public
health significance of Salmonella from camels slaughtered in
Maiduguri central abattoir, Nigeria, Veterinary World 8(9):1068-1072.
This study aimed at determining the serotypes, antimicrobial
profiles, and public health importance of Salmonella
strains from camels slaughtered at Maiduguri central abattoir,
Materials and Methods: Two hundred samples were obtained from
camel comprising of intestines, feces, liver, and spleen (n=50
each). Non-lactose fermenting dark center Salmonella
colonies were identified using standard biochemical techniques,
serotyped and subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility test using
minimum inhibition concentration method.
Results: Out of the 200 samples collected,
17 were Salmonella positive (spleen=7, intestine=6,
feces=3, and liver=1) with a prevalence of 8.5%. Five serotypes
comprising Salmonella Eko, 7 (3.5%), Salmonella
Uganda, 4 (2.0%), Salmonella Amager, 2 (1.0%),
Salmonella Westhampton, 2 (1.0%), and Salmonella Give,
2 (1.0%) were incriminated. Majority of the serotypes were
sensitive to the antimicrobials, but one Salmonella Amager
exhibited resistance to streptomycin, and one each of
Salmonella Uganda and Salmonella Eko were resistant to
Conclusion: This study revealed the prevalence and the
antibiotic resistance profile of newly emerging Salmonella
from camels in the northeast of Nigeria, which can serve as a
means for the transmission of Salmonella to human.
Therefore, there is a need for the establishment of national
Salmonella surveillance and control programs.
Keywords: abattoir, antimicrobial
profiles, camel, Nigeria, Salmonella serotypes, public
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