Open Access
online: 04-08-2016)
Estimate the contribution of
incubation parameters influence egg hatchability using multiple
linear regression analysis -
Mohamed H. Khalil, Mostafa K. Shebl, Mohamed A. Kosba, Karim El-Sabrout
and Nesma Zaki
Veterinary World, 9(8): 806-810

Mohamed H. Khalil:
Department of
Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Aflaton St., El-Shatby,
University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt;
Mostafa K. Shebl:
Department of
Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Aflaton St., El-Shatby,
University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt;
Mohamed A. Kosba:
of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Aflaton St., El-Shatby,
University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt;
Karim El-Sabrout:
Department of
Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Aflaton St., El-Shatby,
University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt;
Nesma Zaki:
Department of
Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Aflaton St., El-Shatby,
University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt;
Received: 27-05-2016, Accepted: 02-07-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Karim El-Sabrout,
Khalil MH, Shebl MK, Kosba MA, El-Sabrout K, Zaki N (2016)
Estimate the contribution of incubation parameters influence egg
hatchability using multiple linear regression analysis.
Veterinary World, 9(8): 806-810.
research was conducted to determine the most affecting
parameters on hatchability of indigenous and improved local
chickens’ eggs.
Materials and
Five parameters
were studied (fertility, early and late embryonic mortalities,
shape index, egg weight, and egg weight loss) on four strains,
namely Fayoumi, Alexandria, Matrouh, and Montazah. Multiple
linear regression was performed on the studied parameters to
determine the most influencing one on hatchability.
results showed significant differences in commercial and
scientific hatchability among strains. Alexandria strain has the
highest significant commercial hatchability (80.70%). Regarding
the studied strains, highly significant differences in hatching
chick weight among strains were observed. Using multiple linear
regression analysis, fertility made the greatest percent
contribution (71.31%) to hatchability, and the lowest percent
contributions were made by shape index and egg weight loss.
prediction of hatchability using multiple regression analysis
could be a good tool to improve hatchability percentage in
chickens, hatchability, multiple regression, path coefficient,
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