Open Access
online: 05-08-2016)
Risk factors associated with
and diarrhea in smallholder dairy farms in
Mukurwe-ini Sub-County, Nyeri County, Kenya -
S. G. Peter, George K. Gitau, S. Richards, J. A. Vanleeuwen, F.
Uehlinger, C. M. Mulei and R. R. Kibet
Veterinary World, 9(8): 811-819

S. G. Peter:
Department of Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053-00625, Kangemi, Kenya;
George K. Gitau:
Department of Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053-00625, Kangemi, Kenya;
S. Richards:
Department of Health Management, Atlantic Veterinary College,
University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Avenue,
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 4P3, Canada;
J. A. Vanleeuwen:
Department of Health Management, Atlantic Veterinary College,
University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Avenue,
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 4P3, Canada;
F. Uehlinger:
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, 52 Campus
Drive, Saskatoon SK S7N 5B4, Canada;
C. M. Mulei:
Department of Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053-00625, Kangemi, Kenya;
R. R. Kibet:
Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box
29053-00625, Kangemi, Kenya;
Received: 11-04-2016, Accepted: 26-06-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
George K. Gitau, e-mail:
Peter SG, Gitau GK, Richards S, Vanleeuwen JA, Uehlinger F,
Mulei CM, Kibet RR (2016) Risk factors associated with
Cryptosporidia, Eimeria,
and diarrhea in smallholder dairy farms in Mukurwe-ini
Sub-County, Nyeri County, Kenya,
Veterinary World,
This study was undertaken to determine the household, calf
management, and calf factors associated with the occurrence of
and diarrhea in pre-weaned calves reared in smallholder dairy
farms in Mukurweini Sub-County of Nyeri County, Kenya. In
addition, the study also evaluated factors associated with
average daily weight gain in the same pre-weaned calves.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 112 newborn calves (63 males and 49 females) on 111
farms (1 set of twins) were followed for 2 months between June
2013 and August 2013. Two calves were lost to follow-up. A
pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data on household
characteristics and calf management practices in the 111
selected farms. On the first visit to the farm (within 7 days of
the birth of the calf), blood samples were collected from the
jugular vein to assess the level of maternal immunity acquired
by the calf, by determining the serum total protein and selenium
concentration. At 4 and 6 weeks of age, fecal samples from the
calves were collected to assess the presence of
oocysts. Every 2 weeks for 2 months, the calves and their
environments were examined, their 2-week consumption and health
history were recorded, and weights were estimated with a weight
tape. Each of the factors was evaluated in a univariable
regression model and only those found to be significant (p≤0.20)
were included in a multivariable model. Elimination of
non-significant factors was done in the multivariable model
through a backward elimination procedure so that only those
variables which were confounders, and/or significant at (p≤0.05)
remained in the final model.
About 37% (41/110) of the calves experienced diarrhea at least
once during the 2-month study period. The overall period
prevalence of
was 42.7% (47/110) and 13.6% (15/110), respectively. Low serum
protein was associated with 1.8 and 2.4 times the odds of
infections, respectively. Lack of supervision of calf birth and
low serum total protein were both associated with 1.3 times the
odds of diarrhea incidence. Dirty calf pens, feeding <5 L of
milk/day, and infection with
were associated with 0.105, 0.087, and 0.059 kg, respectively,
reduced average daily weight gain of the calves.
In the Kenyan context, calf diarrhea risk could be reduced
through better supervision of parturition and colostrum
provision. Specifically, the risk of
infections could be reduced by optimizing the passive transfer
of immunity to the newborn calves. Average weight gains of
calves could be improved by good colostrum provision, pen
hygiene, and preventing
diarrhea incidence,
neonatal dairy calves, risk factors.
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