Open Access
online: 13-12-2016)
Immunotoxic effect of thiamethoxam in immunized mice with
Brucella abortus
cultural filtrate antigen -
L. H. Salema, M. J. Alwan and Afaf Abdulrahman Yousif
Veterinary World, 9(12): 1407-1412

L. H. Salema:
Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases, College of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq; Ministry of
High Education and Scientific Research, Baghdad, Iraq;
M. J. Alwan:
Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases, College of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq; Ministry of High
Education and Scientific Research, Baghdad, Iraq;
Afaf Abdulrahman Yousif:
Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, Baghdad, Iraq;
Department of Internal and Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq;
Received: 06-06-2016, Accepted: 09-11-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Afaf Abdulrahman Yousif, e-mail:
Salema LH, Alwan MJ, Yousif AA (2016) Immunotoxic effect of
thiamethoxam in immunized mice with
Brucella abortus
cultural filtrate antigen,
Veterinary World, 9(12):
This study was planned for determination the toxic effect of
thiamethoxam (TMX) in immunized mice with
Brucella abortus
culture filtrate antigen (CFBAgs) (as a vaccine) and its role of
TMX on decrease activity of
B. abortus
antigen on eliciting of humoral and cellular immunity.
Materials and Methods:
To achieve these goals 60 female mice were used, 7-8 weeks age,
they were divided equally into three groups (20 in each group) and
treated as follows: 1st group: Mice were immunized with CFBAgs
intraperitoneally in two doses, 2 weeks intervals with (protein
concentration 2 mg\ml), 2nd group: Mice immunized as in the 1st
group and was administrated orally with 1/10 lethal dose 50% of
TMX (83.7 mg/kg B.W.) for 4 weeks daily, 3rd group was
administrated orally with 0.3 ml normal saline served as a control
group. At day 28 post immunization (PI) delayed type
hypersensitivity (skin test) was done, and serum samples were
collected at day 30 (PI) for detection of passive hemagglutination
test (PHA); interferon gamma (IFN-γ) which was done by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test in addition to phagocytes
The results of skin test post injection with soluble antigen of
B. abortus
intradermally showed a high significantly mean values at p≤0.05 of
footpad skin thickness in the 1st group of mice which recorded
(0.51±0.002 mm) as compared with the 2nd group of mice which
showed (0.08±0.002 mm) after 24 h; the mean values of skin
thickness were declined in the 1st mice (0.46±0.002) and 2nd mice
(0.070±0.001) at 48 h; control group showed a negative results.
These results were agreed with results of serum levels of IFN-γ
(pg/ml) that showed that a significant increase the vaccinated 1st
group (406.36±1.52), than those values in the 2nd group
(151.61±0.89) and negative result in 3rd group (46.47±0.60), in
addition to results of PHA test which showed a significant
increase in antibody titer in the 1st group (139±12.16) with low
level of serum antibody in the 2nd group (7.66±0.33). Phagocytic
ratio results in the 1st group showed an increase to reach
(18.55±0.44) than a ratio in the 2nd group (13.24±0.32) and the
control group (5.46±0.25).
It was concluded that TMX induced suppression of humoral and
cellular immune responses in immunized mice with CFBAgs.
Brucella abortus,
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test, interferon gamma,
phagocyte assay, skin test, thiamethoxam.
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