Open Access
online: 21-12-2016)
Survey on
in bovine carcasses slaughtered at the
municipal abattoir of El-Kharga, Egypt -
Ali Meawad Ahmed, Nagwa Thabet Elshraway and Ahmed Ibrahim Youssef
Veterinary World, 9(12): 1461-1465

Ali Meawad Ahmed:
Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez
Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt;
Nagwa Thabet Elshraway:
Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit
University, New Valley, Egypt;
Ahmed Ibrahim Youssef:
Department of Animal Hygiene and Zoonoses, Division of Zoonoses,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia,
Received: 22-07-2016, Accepted: 18-11-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Ahmed Ibrahim Youssef, e-mail:
Ahmed AM, Elshraway NT, Youssef AI (2016) Survey on
in bovine carcasses slaughtered at the municipal abattoir of El-Kharga,
Veterinary World, 9(12):
The main objectives of this study were to determine the incidence
sp. infection in cattle and buffalo carcasses slaughtered at El-Kharga
abattoir, New Valley Governorate, Egypt.
Materials and Methods:
The slaughtered animals were daily inspected for
macrocysts through a year (2015). Macroscopic
was detected from a total of 2120 cattle and buffalo carcasses. In
addition, 100 meat samples were collected from female cattle and
buffalo (50 each) and were examined microscopically for
The overall incidence of
macrocyst among bovine carcasses was 159/2120 (7.5%). Total
incidence in cattle was 149/2000 (7.45%), whereas it was 10/120
(8.33%) in buffalo carcasses. Concerning gender, the overall
prevalence of
infection was 127/1790 (7.09%) in male and 32/330 (9.69%) in
females bovine carcasses. The highest detection rate of
lesions was from the esophagus (76.3%) followed by throat muscles
(35.3%), tongue (33.8%), and diaphragm muscles (18.71%).
Macrocysts from cattle were identified to
Sarcocystis hirsuta,
Sarcocystis fusiformis
was identified from buffalo carcasses. By microscopic examination,
18 (36%) of 50 female cattle carcasses harbor
sp., whereas 11 (22%) of buffalo carcasses were harbored
high incidence of
infection was detected among slaughtered bovines in El-Kharga
abattoir, Egypt.
macrocysts were a higher incidence in female elder animals
macrocysts were identified to
S. hirsuta
in cattle and
S. fusiformis
in buffaloes. Sarcocystosis constitute a major cause of economic
losses at El-Kharga abattoir. Beef meat may carry health risks to
bovine, meat,
Sarcocystis fusiformis,
Sarcocystis hirsuta,
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