Open Access
online: 04-12-2016)
Molecular and epidemiological
updates on cystic echinococcosis infecting water buffaloes from
Egypt -
Ibrahim Abbas
Veterinary World, 9(12): 1355-1363

Ibrahim Abbas:
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Mansoura University, Egypt;
Received: 26-07-2016, Accepted: 11-11-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Ibrahim Abbas,
Abbas I (2016) Molecular and epidemiological updates on cystic
echinococcosis infecting water buffaloes from Egypt, Veterinary
World, 9(12): 1355-1363.
echinococcosis (CE) represents a serious parasitic disease at both
animal and public health levels. The majority of reports negated
the CE infection in buffaloes from Egypt; however, one study
illustrated their infection with G6 genotype (camel strain). The
present work contributed to update the epidemiological and
molecular knowledge about CE infecting this economically important
animal for better understanding of its role in maintaining the
Echinococcus life cycle.
Materials and
A total of 120
slaughtered water buffaloes at Mansoura abattoir, Dakahlia
province, Egypt, were inspected for the existence of hydatid
cysts. Cysts location and fertility were examined. Five out of 27
revealed cysts were tested molecularly using both cytochrome C
oxidase subunit 1 and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen
subunit 1 (nadh1) genes.
Low prevalence
(4.2%) as well as considerably low fertility rate (14.8%) of
buffaloes CE was noted. G1 genotype (common sheep strain) was
revealed from the five examined cysts. At the level of nadh1
partial sequences, a globally singleton G1 haplotype was reported.
the first report about the G1 infection in buffaloes from Egypt.
This study proposed the minimized role of this animal in
echinococcosis transmission. These findings could provide
preliminary data for the local control of this disease.
buffalo, Echinococcus, Egypt, genotype, prevalence.
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