Open Access
online: 20-02-2016)
Assessment of motion and
kinematic characteristics of frozen-thawed Sirohi goat semen
using computer-assisted semen analysis -
Mukul Anand and Sarvajeet Yadav
Veterinary World, 9(2): 203-206

Mukul Anand:
Department of
Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal
Husbandry, Uttar Pradesh Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Pashu
Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan,
Mathura - 281 001, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Sarvajeet Yadav:
Department of
Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal
Husbandry, Uttar Pradesh Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Pashu
Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan,
Mathura - 281 001, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 21-08-2015, Revised: 03-01-2016, Accepted: 13-01-2016,
Published online: 20-02-2016
Corresponding author:
Mukul Anand, e-mail:
Anand M, Yadav S (2016) Assessment of motion and kinematic
characteristics of frozen-thawed Sirohi goat semen using
computer-assisted semen analysis, Veterinary World, 9(2):
The aim was
to determine the motion and kinematics characteristic of
frozen-thawed spermatozoa in Sirohi goat using computer-assisted
semen analysis.
Materials and
A study was
carried out in Sirohi buck. Semen collection was made biweekly
from each buck with the help of artificial vagina. A total of 12
ejaculates were collected from two bucks (six ejaculates from
each buck). Freshly collected semen was pooled and later
evaluated. The pooled semen sample was extended with standard
glycerolated egg yolk tris extender and later subjected to a
process of cryopreservation. The motion and kinematic
characteristics of spermatozoa were studied during freez-thawing
Significantly (p<0.01) higher value of live percent,
hypo-osmotic swelling test, and acrosomal integrity were
recorded in neat semen followed by diluted and frozen thaw
semen. The proportion of spermatozoa showing slow progression
were the highest in the neat and diluted semen followed by rapid
and non-progressively motile, while a reverse pattern was
observed in the frozen thaw semen where the proportion of
non-progressively motile spermatozoa were significantly (p<0.01)
higher followed by slow and rapid progression.
study showed that the best results for motion, vitality, plasma
membrane integrity, and acrosome status were obtained in the
neat semen followed by diluted and frozen thaw semen. Further,
the process of cryopreservation results in a shift of motility
from slow to non-progressive in the post-thaw semen with a
significant decrease in the path velocities when compared to
neat and diluted semen. Hence, it can be concluded that
freezing-thawing process reduces the motility and kinematic
characters spermatozoa and may be an important factor affecting
the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa resulting in poor
conception rate after insemination in goats.
computer-assisted semen analysis, cryopreservation, motility,
semen, Sirohi goat.
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