Open Access
Age-specific changes in
electrocardiographic parameters in bipolar limb leads of
conscious female native cats of Odisha -
Subhashree Sarangi, A. P. K. Mahapatra, S. Mohapatra and A. K.
Veterinary World, 9(2): 147-150

Subhashree Sarangi:
Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary
Science & Animal Husbandry, Odisha University of Agriculture &
Technology, Bhubaneswar - 751 003, Odisha, India;
A. P. K. Mahapatra:
Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary
Science & Animal Husbandry, Odisha University of Agriculture &
Technology, Bhubaneswar - 751 003, Odisha, India;
S. Mohapatra:
Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary
Science & Animal Husbandry, Odisha University of Agriculture &
Technology, Bhubaneswar - 751 003, Odisha, India;
A. K. Kundu:
Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary
Science & Animal Husbandry, Odisha University of Agriculture &
Technology, Bhubaneswar - 751 003, Odisha, India;
Received: 28-08-2015, Revised: 24-12-2015, Accepted: 30-12-2015,
Published online: 12-02-2016
Corresponding author:
Subhashree Sarangi, e-mail:
Sarangi S, Mahapatra APK, Mohapatra S, Kundu AK (2016)
Age-specific changes in electrocardiographic parameters in
bipolar limb leads of conscious female native cats of Odisha,
Veterinary World 9(2):
147-150 .
To study and compare the age-specific changes in
electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters in bipolar limb leads of
conscious female native cats of Odisha.
Materials and Methods:
20 healthy female native cats aged between 4 and 36 months of
age were selected for the study. These queens were divided into
two groups of 10 animals each. Group 1 constituted the queens
aged 4-10 months (before puberty) with a mean weight of 2.28 kg
(±0.4 standard error [SE]), and those aged 11-36 months (after
puberty) with a mean weight of 3.72 kg (±0.6 SE) were in Group
2. The ECG was recorded with a 12-lead standard ECG recorder,
Cardiart 108 T-MK VII-BPL (India) in the Leads I, II, and III.
The mean heart rates were 160.73 (±7.83) beats/min and 139.09
(±2.72) beats/min in the cats aged 4-10 months and 11-36 months,
respectively. Significant differences existed among Q- and
R-wave amplitudes and duration of QT-interval
in Lead I. In Lead II, duration of QT and RR intervals, duration
of ST-segment and amplitudes of P- and R-waves varied
significantly. Significant differences were also observed in the
P- and R-wave amplitudes in Lead III. The mean electrical axis
was 63.11 (±1.98°) and 50.03 (±4.86°) in the cats aged 4-10
months and 11-36 months, respectively.
Since the ECG studies on conscious cats are scanty, and the
number of native cats being presented in veterinary hospitals
and clinics has increased drastically, there is a need to
establish the reference values for ECG parameters in conscious
native cats so that the cardiovascular abnormalities can be
age-specific, conscious cat, electrocardiogram, mean electrical
axis, native.
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